#!/usr/bin/perl # # TrippLite SNMP Fence Agent # # Core functions; # # Eric Knific (iggi) # eknific@etshost.com # www.etshost.com / www.ericknific.com / iggi.me # # FenceAgentAPI adaption; # # Digimer; digimer@digimer.ca # http://digimer.ca # # This software is released under the GPL v2. See the LICENSE file in the # configuration directory for a copy of the GPL v2. # # Bugs; # - None known, many expected # # Warnings; # - The TrippLite PDUs are notorious for having delays in state change actions # and state change detection. This makes them sub-optimal as fence devices. # If you use one, expect fence actions to take up to 30 seconds (with an # averaage of about 15 seconds in practice). # # Requirements; # - EL6; # perl net-snmp-perl # - Fedora 15+ # perl perl-Net-SNMP # # Notes; # - SNMP return codes; # 1 = Off # 2 = On # - Actions # 1 = Off # 2 = On # Play safe! use strict; use warnings; # IO::Handle is used for logging and Net::SNMP is used for communicating with # the TrippLite device. use IO::Handle; use Net::SNMP; # These are the default values and will be over-written by the config file's # variables which in turn can, in some cases, be over-written by command line # arguments. # Please see '$conf->{'system'}{conf_file}' for details on each option. my $conf={ 'caller' => "rhcs", 'system' => { max_valid_state => 3, conf_file => "/etc/cluster/fence_tripplite_snmp.conf", version => 0, list => "", monitor => "", tl_id => 0, tl_num => 1, got_cla => 0, # This is set if command line arguments are read. quiet => 0, verbose => 0, debug => 0, lock_timeout => 300, lock_file => "/tmp/fence_tripplite_snmp.lock", }, snmp => { ipaddr => "", login => "", passwd => "", node => 161, set_state => "", passwd_script => "", action => "", agent => "", # This is only used by 'fenced' tl_name => "", # This is used for the 'list' function. handle => "", max_node => 0, set_state => [], # This array will store the states to set based on the action passed for the proper ports. oid_control => ".", oid_status => ".", community => "tripplite", } }; # This method can't pass in the '$log' handle, obviously, as it does not yet # exist. read_conf($conf); # Log file for output. my $log=IO::Handle->new(); print "Opening: [$conf->{'system'}{'log'}] for logging.\n" if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; open ($log, ">$conf->{'system'}{'log'}") || die "Failed to open: [$conf->{'system'}{'log'}] for writing; Error: $!\n"; # Set STDOUT and $log to hot (unbuffered) output. if (1) { select $log; $|=1; select STDOUT; $|=1; } # If this gets set in the next two function, the agent will exit. my $bad=0; # Read in arguments from the command line. ($bad)=read_cla($conf, $log, $bad); # Now read in arguments from STDIN, which is how 'fenced' passes arguments. ($bad)=read_stdin($conf, $log, $bad); # This loops until the lock file is removed. This is a terrible hack to deal # with two different sources calling this at once. This will be removed as soon # as I update NAOS with a proper semaphore. my $loop=0; # if the lock file is more than 300 seconds old, delete it as stale. while (-e $conf->{'system'}{lock_file}) { my $age=time-(stat($conf->{'system'}{lock_file}))[9]; record($conf, $log, __LINE__."; Waiting; lock: [$conf->{'system'}{lock_file}] is: [$age] second(s) old.\n"); if ($age > $conf->{'system'}{lock_timeout}) { record($conf, $log, __LINE__."; lock: [$conf->{'system'}{lock_file}] is now stale, removing it.\n"); unlink $conf->{'system'}{lock_file} or die "Failed to remove lock file: [$conf->{'system'}{lock_timeout}], error: $!\n"; record($conf, $log, __LINE__."; Removed.\n"); } sleep 1; } my $lock=IO::Handle->new(); open ($log, ">$conf->{'system'}{lock_file}") || die "Failed to create lock file: [$conf->{'system'}{lock_file}]; Error: $!\n"; # This makes sure the node ID is 0 if not set. $conf->{snmp}{node}=0 if not $conf->{snmp}{node}; record($conf, $log, "Will use port: [$conf->{snmp}{node}]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # Find the TCP port from the config file. foreach my $i (1..$conf->{'system'}{tl_num}) { if ((lc($conf->{snmp}{$i}{ipaddr}) eq lc($conf->{snmp}{ipaddr}))) { $conf->{'system'}{tl_id}=$i; record($conf, $log, __LINE__."; system::tl_id: [$conf->{'system'}{tl_id}]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; $conf->{snmp}{tcp_port}=$conf->{snmp}{$i}{tcp_port}; record($conf, $log, __LINE__."; tl::tcp_port: [$conf->{snmp}{tcp_port}]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; $conf->{snmp}{tl_name}=$conf->{snmp}{$i}{tl_name} ? $conf->{snmp}{$i}{tl_name} : "TrippLite #$i"; record($conf, $log, __LINE__."; tl::tl_name: [$conf->{snmp}{tl_name}]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; $conf->{snmp}{max_nodes}=$conf->{snmp}{$i}{max_nodes}; record($conf, $log, __LINE__."; tl::max_nodes: [$conf->{snmp}{max_nodes}]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } } if ($bad) { unlink $conf->{'system'}{lock_file}; die "Exiting on errors.\n"; } my @ny=("no", "yes"); record($conf, $log, "TrippLite: ..... [$conf->{snmp}{ipaddr}].\n"); record($conf, $log, "TCP Port: ...... [$conf->{snmp}{tcp_port}].\n"); record($conf, $log, "Node: .......... [$conf->{snmp}{node}].\n"); record($conf, $log, "Login: ......... [$conf->{snmp}{login}].\n"); record($conf, $log, "Password: ...... [$conf->{snmp}{passwd}].\n"); record($conf, $log, "Action: ........ [$conf->{snmp}{action}].\n"); record($conf, $log, "Version Request: [".$ny[$conf->{'system'}{version}]."].\n"); record($conf, $log, "Done reading args.\n"); # If I've been asked to show the version information, do so and then exit. record($conf, $log, "Version: ..... [$conf->{'system'}{version}].\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; if ($conf->{'system'}{version}) { version($conf, $log); do_exit($conf, $log, 0); } # If I've been asked to show the metadata XML, do so and then exit. if ($conf->{snmp}{action} eq "metadata") { metadata($conf, $log); do_exit($conf, $log, 0); } # Connect to the TrippLite. connect_to_tl($conf, $log); if (not $conf->{snmp}{handle}) { record($conf, $log, "Failed to connect to TrippLite. Exiting.\n", 1); do_exit($conf, $log, 0); } # Validate credentials. # NOTE: Checking before the telnet fails on the exit. Also, this will be moved # into the TrippLite soon anyway. if (($conf->{snmp}{login} ne $conf->{'system'}{username}) or ($conf->{snmp}{passwd} ne $conf->{'system'}{password})) { record($conf, $log, "Username and/or password invalid. Did you use the command line switches properly?\n"); do_exit($conf, $log, 8); } ############################################################################### # What do? # ############################################################################### # When asked to 'monitor' or 'list'. being multi-port, this will return a CSV # of nodes and their aliases where found in the config file. record($conf, $log, "Action: ........ [$conf->{snmp}{action}].\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; if (($conf->{snmp}{action} eq "monitor") or ($conf->{snmp}{action} eq "list")) { record($conf, $log, "Calling the 'show_list' function.\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; show_list($conf, $log); do_exit($conf, $log, 0); } # If I made it this far, I am setting a state. Sort out what state from the # values in my conf->{snmp} hash. record($conf, $log, "Setting node: [$conf->{snmp}{node}] to action: [$conf->{snmp}{action}] using the TrippLite: [$conf->{snmp}{ipaddr}] using the login: [$conf->{snmp}{login}]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # Convert the action into TrippLite protocol arguments. process_action($conf, $log); # Now execute the action plan. my $exit_code=do_actions($conf, $log); record($conf, $log, "All calls complete, exiting.\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # Cleanup and exit. # print "Going into do_exit().\n"; do_exit($conf, $log, $exit_code); # print "Returned from do_exit().\n"; ############################################################################### # Here be functions. # ############################################################################### # This connects to a TrippLite and puts the handle in # $conf->{'system'}{handle}. sub connect_to_tl { my ($conf, $log)=@_; $conf->{snmp}{handle}=new Net::Telnet( Timeout => 10, Errmode => 'die', Port => $conf->{snmp}{tcp_port}, Prompt => '/EOM$/', Errmode => 'return' ) or do_exit($conf, $log, 1); $conf->{snmp}{handle}->open($conf->{snmp}{ipaddr}); if ($conf->{snmp}{handle}->errmsg) { record($conf, $log, "Connection to TrippLite: [$conf->{snmp}{ipaddr}] failed.\nError was: [".$conf->{snmp}{handle}->errmsg."]\n", 1); $conf->{snmp}{handle}=""; }; record($conf, $log, "tl::handle: [$conf->{snmp}{handle}]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; return ($conf->{snmp}{handle}); } # This handles the actual execution of an action plan. sub do_actions { my ($conf, $log)=@_; # In the next step, when a 'check' is seen, the node's power feed is # checked and an exit status is stored here. Exits 0, 1 and 2 have # special meaning, so I default to 9 as it has no meaning to the # FenceAgentAPI. my $exit_code=9; # Process the orders. record($conf, $log, "Processing: [$conf->{'system'}{call_order}]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; foreach my $order (split/,/, $conf->{'system'}{call_order}) { record($conf, $log, "Calling: [$order]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # Handle a 'release_all' call. if ($order eq "release_all") { set_all_state($conf, $log, 0); next; } # Handle a 'fence_all' call. if ($order eq "fence_all") { set_all_state($conf, $log, 1); next; } # handle a sleep request. This defaults to one second when no # integer was included. if ($order=~/^sleep/) { my $time=$order=~/sleep (\d+)/ ? $1 : 1; record ($conf, $log, "Sleeping: $time, "); if ($time == 1) { sleep 1; record ($conf, $log, "Done.\n"); } else { while ($time) { $time--; sleep 1; record ($conf, $log, "$time, ") if $time > 1; record ($conf, $log, "$time. Done.\n") if $time == 1; } } next; } # Handle a status check via TrippLite. record($conf, $log, "order: [$order]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; if ($order=~/(\d\d):(\D+)/) { my $node=$1; my $check=$2; # Verify the state of the port. record($conf, $log, "Status check on node: [$node] -> [$check]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # Get the state. my $states=get_states($conf, $log); if ($states == 1) { # I had a connection problem. Exit with error # code '1' as per: # http://sources.redhat.com/cluster/wiki/FenceAgentAPI do_exit($conf, $log, 1); } # Make the states a bit easier to type. my $power_state=$states->{$node}{power_state}; my $reset_state=$states->{$node}{reset_state}; my $feed_state=$states->{$node}{feed_state}; # Return the status of the requested node. record($conf, $log, "TrippLite: [#$conf->{'system'}{tl_id}/$conf->{snmp}{tl_name}], Node: [$node] Power/Reset/Feed states: [$power_state/$reset_state/$feed_state]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; if ($check eq "check") { # Return '2' if the node is off and '0' if it # is on. $exit_code=$feed_state ? 0 : 2; } elsif ($check eq "off") { # 'off' was called, make sure the node is now # off. This may be called by 'reboot' in which # case 'exit_code' will simply be over-written # when the final 'reboot' state check is called. $exit_code=$feed_state ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($check eq "on") { # 'on' was called, make sure the node is now # off. $exit_code=$feed_state ? 0 : 1; } elsif ($check eq "reboot") { # Make sure that 'exit_code' was set to '0' by # the earlier call. We checked again to make # sure the node came back up, and will log an # error if it didn't, but we return '0' just # the same, as per the API. if (not $exit_code) { # The power off portion worked. Check if the # node booted properly and record an error if # not. if (not $feed_state) { record($conf, $log, "\nWARNING: Node: [$node] failed to boot after a successful power off during a\n", 1); record($conf, $log, "WARNING: reboot action. This is a non-critical error as the node was fenced\n", 1); record($conf, $log, "WARNING: successfully but may indicate a hardware failure with the node or\n", 1); record($conf, $log, "WARNING: with TrippLite itself.\n\n", 1); } } else { # The power off portion failed, exit with '1'. $exit_code=1; } $exit_code=$feed_state ? 0 : 1; } next; } # Handle a fence call. my @set_state=$conf->{snmp}{handle}->cmd("$order"); foreach my $line (@set_state) { chomp $line; next if not $line; record($conf, $log, "$line\n"); } record($conf, $log, "Call complete.\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } return ($exit_code); } # This cleanly exits the agent. sub do_exit { my ($conf, $log, $exit_status)=@_; $exit_status=9 if not defined $exit_status; # Remove the lock. unlink "$conf->{'system'}{lock_file}"; # Close the TrippLite and log file handle, if they exist. $conf->{snmp}{handle}->close() if $conf->{snmp}{handle}; $log->close() if $log; exit ($exit_status); } # This gets the states for the active node and returns the states in a hash # reference. sub get_states { my ($conf, $log)=@_; # MADI: Make this a new sub. # Open a connection. print "Opening SNMP session at: [$hostname:$port], community: [$community]\n"; my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( '-hostname' => "$hostname", '-community' => "$community", '-port' => "$port", ); if (not defined($session)) { printf("Session ERROR: %s.\n", $error); exit 1; } my $conf->{snmp}{oid_status}_1=$conf->{snmp}{oid_status}.$node; my @oid_status=($conf->{snmp}{oid_status}_1); my $result = $session->get_request( '-varbindlist' => \@oid_status, ); $new_state=$result->{$conf->{snmp}{oid_status}_1}; # Create the hash reference to store the states in. my $states={}; # Call '00:0' to get the states. If it fails, return 1 as per # FenceAgentAPI requirements. my @check_state=$conf->{snmp}{handle}->cmd("00:0") or return(1); # Loop through the output. foreach my $line (@check_state) { # Chomp the newline off and then pull the port and state out. chomp $line; my ($this_node, $power_state, $reset_state, $feed_state)=($line=~/^- Node (\d+): P(\d+), R(\d+), F(\d+)$/); # Skip if this isn't a status line. next if not $this_node; # Convert the state to a simple on/off. # Store the state. $states->{$this_node}{power_state}=$power_state; $states->{$this_node}{reset_state}=$reset_state; $states->{$this_node}{feed_state}=$feed_state; record($conf, $log, "Node: [$this_node], Power State: [$states->{$this_node}{power_state}], Reset State: [$states->{$this_node}{reset_state}], Feed State: [$states->{$this_node}{feed_state}].\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } # Return the hash reference. return ($states); } # This returns the 'help' message. sub help { my ($conf, $log)=@_; # Point the user at the man page. print "See 'man fence_na' for instructions on using the TrippLite Fence Agent.\n"; do_exit($conf, $log, 0); } # This simply prints the 'metadata' XML data to STDOUT. sub metadata { my ($conf, $log)=@_; print q` fence_na is an network-connected, multinode power fencing agent which can be used with the open-hardware TrippLite fence device (http://nodeassassin.org). TrippLite devices prior to 1.2 did not have internal semaphores. Please configure a delay of at least 7 and preferably 34 seconds per port to avoid successful fence calls being reported as having failed. Name or IP of the TrippLite. Password as set in 'fence_na.conf' Script to retrieve password (if required) The port (node) number to act on Username (login)as set in 'fence_na.conf' Action (operation) to take; off, on, reboot, status, monitor, list, metadata Pause time in seconds to wait before acting on the action Print fence_na progress to STDOUT. Supress all output to STDOUT, including critical messages. Check logfile if used. Prints the TrippLite fence agent version and exits. `; # Done, exit. do_exit($conf, $log, 0); } # This error message is printed when there was a connection problem with a # given TrippLite. sub no_connection_error { my ($conf, $log, $tl_id)=@_; record ($conf, $log, "\nERROR: Unable to query TrippLite: [$conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{tl_name}]!\n", 1); record ($conf, $log, "ERROR: Please check that it is connected, that the information in\n", 1); record ($conf, $log, "ERROR: '/etc/cluster/fence_na.conf' is accurate and that the proper\n", 1); record ($conf, $log, "ERROR: configuration has be uploaded to the device.\n\n", 1); return (0); } # This handles the actual actions. sub process_action { my ($conf, $log)=@_; record($conf, $log, "In the 'process_action' function.\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # Make this more readable. my $tl_id=$conf->{'system'}{tl_id}; my $action=$conf->{snmp}{action}; my $node=$conf->{snmp}{node}; record($conf, $log, "tl_id: [$tl_id], action: [$action], port: [$node]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # The following actions require a port. Error if I don't have one. if ($node == 0) { # These are the incompatible calls. if (($action eq "on") || ($action eq "off") || ($action eq "reboot") || ($action eq "status")) { record($conf, $log, "\nERROR! Action request: [$action] requires a node's port number!\n", 1) if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; record($conf, $log, "ERROR: I got: [$node] which does not seem to be valid.\n\n", 1); do_exit($conf, $log, 9); } } # Make sure my call order is clear. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}=""; if ($action eq "on") { # Release the fence, if fenced, and boot the node. my $states=get_states($conf, $log); my $power_state=$states->{$node}{power_state}; my $reset_state=$states->{$node}{reset_state}; my $feed_state=$states->{$node}{feed_state}; if ($feed_state) { # Node is already running. record($conf, $log, "Asked to turn on node: [$node], but it's already running.\n"); do_exit($conf, $log, 0); } elsif (($power_state) || ($reset_state)) { # Node was fenced, release it first. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}="$node:0,sleep,"; } $conf->{'system'}{call_order}.="$node:2,sleep,$node:on"; } elsif ($action eq "off") { # Fence the node. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}="$node:1,sleep,$node:off"; } elsif ($action eq "reboot") { # I don't do this gracefully because the API says this should # be an 'off' -> 'on' process, and 'off' is fence... $conf->{'system'}{call_order}="$node:1,sleep,$node:0,sleep,$node:off,$node:2,sleep,$node:on"; } elsif ($action eq "status") { # This checks the node's power feed. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}="$node:check"; } ### ALL ACTIONS BELOW HERE ARE OUTSIDE OF THE FenceAgentAPI! elsif ($action eq "release") { # Release the given node without booting it. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}="$node:0"; } elsif ($action eq "release_all") { # Release all ports. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}="release_all"; } elsif ($action eq "fence_all") { # Fence all ports. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}="fence_all"; } elsif ($action eq "boot") { # Boot the specific node if it is off. my $states=get_states($conf, $log); # Decide how, or if, to proceed based on the current state of # each node. $node=sprintf("%02d", $node); my $power_state=$states->{$node}{power_state}; my $reset_state=$states->{$node}{reset_state}; my $feed_state=$states->{$node}{feed_state}; if (($power_state) || ($reset_state)) { # Node was fenced, release first. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}.="$node:0,sleep,"; } if (not $feed_state) { # Boot the node. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}.="$node:2,sleep,"; } else { record($conf, $log, "WARNING: Node: [$node] seems to be already on, taking no action.\n", 1); } $conf->{'system'}{call_order}=~s/,$//; } elsif ($action eq "boot_all") { # Boot all nodes that are off. my $states=get_states($conf, $log); # Decide how, or if, to proceed based on the current state of # each node. foreach my $node (1..$conf->{snmp}{max_nodes}) { $node=sprintf("%02d", $node); my $power_state=$states->{$node}{power_state}; my $reset_state=$states->{$node}{reset_state}; my $feed_state=$states->{$node}{feed_state}; if (($power_state) || ($reset_state)) { # Node was fenced, release first. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}.="$node:0,sleep,"; } if (not $feed_state) { # Boot the node. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}.="$node:2,sleep,"; } } $conf->{'system'}{call_order}=~s/,$//; } elsif ($action eq "shutdown") { # Shutdown a specific node that is on cleanly via ACPI. my $states=get_states($conf, $log); $node=sprintf("%02d", $node); my $feed_state=$states->{$node}{feed_state}; if ($feed_state) { # shutdown the node. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}.="$node:2"; } else { record($conf, $log, "WARNING: Node: [$node] seems to be already off, taking no action. Is the cable connected?\n", 1); } $conf->{'system'}{call_order}=~s/,$//; } elsif ($action eq "shutdown_all") { # Shutdown all nodes that are on cleanly via ACPI. my $states=get_states($conf, $log); # Decide how, or if, to proceed based on the current state of # each node. foreach my $node (1..$conf->{snmp}{max_nodes}) { $node=sprintf("%02d", $node); my $power_state=$states->{$node}{power_state}; my $reset_state=$states->{$node}{reset_state}; my $feed_state=$states->{$node}{feed_state}; if ($feed_state) { # Shutdown the node. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}.="$node:2,sleep,"; } } $conf->{'system'}{call_order}=~s/,$//; } elsif ($action eq "forcedown_all") { # Shutdown all nodes that are on by holding the power button # until they go down. my $states=get_states($conf, $log); # Decide how, or if, to proceed based on the current state of # each node. foreach my $node (1..$conf->{snmp}{max_nodes}) { $node=sprintf("%02d", $node); my $power_state=$states->{$node}{power_state}; my $reset_state=$states->{$node}{reset_state}; my $feed_state=$states->{$node}{feed_state}; if ($feed_state) { # Boot the node. $conf->{'system'}{call_order}.="$node:3,sleep,"; } } $conf->{'system'}{call_order}=~s/,$//; } else { record($conf, $log, "\nERROR: Unknown action request: [$action]!\n\n", 1); do_exit($conf, $log, 9); } } # Read in the config file. sub read_conf { my ($conf)=@_; $conf={} if not $conf; # I can't call the 'record' method here because I've not read in the # log file and thus don't know where to write the log to yet. Comment # out or delete 'print' statements before release. my $read=IO::Handle->new(); my $shell_call="$conf->{'system'}{conf_file}"; record($conf, $log, "Shell call: [$shell_call]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; open ($read, "<$shell_call") or die "Failed to read: [$shell_call], error was: $!\n"; while (<$read>) { chomp; my $line=$_; next if not $line; next if $line !~ /=/; $line=~s/^\s+//; $line=~s/\s+$//; next if $line =~ /^#/; next if not $line; my ($var, $val)=(split/=/, $line, 2); $var=~s/^\s+//; $var=~s/\s+$//; $val=~s/^\s+//; $val=~s/\s+$//; next if (not $var); record($conf, $log, "Storing: [$var] = [$val]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; _make_hash_reference($conf, $var, $val); } $read->close(); return (0); } # Read in command line arguments sub read_cla { my ($conf, $log, $bad)=@_; # Loop through the passed arguments, if any. record($conf, $log, "Got args:\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; my $set_next=""; foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { record($conf, $log, "[$arg]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; $conf->{'system'}{got_cla}=1; # If 'set_next' has a value, push this argument into the 'conf' # hash. if ($set_next) { # It's set, use it's contents as the hash key. $conf->{snmp}{$set_next}=$arg; record($conf, $log, "Setting: 'tl::$set_next': [$conf->{snmp}{$set_next}]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # Clear it now for the next go-round. $set_next=""; next; } if ($arg=~/-h/) { # Print the help message and then exit. help($conf, $log); } elsif ($arg=~/--version/) { # Print the version information and then exit. $conf->{'system'}{version}=1; record($conf,$log,"Setting version\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } elsif ($arg=~/-v/) { # Print the version information and then exit. $conf->{'system'}{verbose}=1; record($conf,$log,"verbose output enabled\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } elsif ($arg=~/-q/) { # Suppress all messages, including critical messages, from STDOUT. $conf->{'system'}{quiet}=1; } elsif ($arg=~/-d/) { # Enable debug mode. $conf->{'system'}{debug}=1; } elsif ($arg=~/^-/) { $arg=~s/^-//; ### These are the switches set by Red Hat. if ($arg eq "a") { # This is the IP address or hostname of the # TrippLite to call. $set_next="ipaddr"; record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } elsif ($arg eq "l") { # This is the login name. $set_next="login"; record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } elsif ($arg eq "c") { # This is the caller. $set_next="caller"; record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } elsif ($arg eq "p") { # This is the password. If it starts with '/' # it is interpreted to be a file containing the # password which will be read in and it's # contents will replace# this value. $set_next="passwd"; record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } elsif ($arg eq "n") { # This is the node to work on. $set_next="node"; record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } elsif ($arg eq "o") { # This is the action to take. $set_next="action"; record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } elsif ($arg eq "S") { # This is the script to run to retrieve the # password when it is not stored in # 'cluster.conf'. This script should echo/print # the password to STDOUT. $set_next="passwd_script"; record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; } } else { ### MADI: I might want to pick up arguments via multiple lines. # Bad argument. record($conf, $log, "\nERROR: Argument: [$arg] is not valid!\n"); record($conf, $log, "ERROR: Please run: [man fence_na] to see a list of valid arguments.\n\n"); $bad=1; } } } # Read arguments from STDIN. This is adapted from the 'fence_brocade' agent. sub read_stdin { my ($conf, $log, $bad)=@_; return (0) if $conf->{'system'}{got_cla}; my $option; my $line_count=0; while(defined (my $option=<>)) { # Get rid of newlines. chomp $option; # Record the line for now, but comment this out before release. record ($conf, $log, "Processing option line: [$option]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # strip leading and trailing whitespace $option=~s/^\s*//; $option=~s/\s*$//; # skip comments next if ($option=~ /^#/); # Increment my option line count. $line_count++; # Go to the next line if the option line is empty. next if not $option; # Split the option up into the name and the value. my ($name,$value)=split /\s*=\s*/, $option; # Record the line for now, but comment this out before release. record ($conf, $log, "Name: [$name], value: [$value].\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # Set my variables depending on the veriable name. if ($name eq "agent") { # This is only used by 'fenced', but I record it for # potential debugging. $conf->{snmp}{agent}=$value; } elsif ($name eq "fm") { # This is a deprecated argument that should no longer # be used. Now 'port' should be used. if (not $conf->{snmp}{node}) { # Port isn't set yet, use this value which may # be replaced if 'port' is set later. (undef, $value) = split /\s+/,$value; $conf->{snmp}{node}=$value; record($conf, $log, "Warning! The argument 'fm' is deprecated, use 'port' instead.\n", 1); record($conf, $log, "Warning! Value: [$value] set for 'port'\n", 1); } else { # Port was already set, so simply ignore this. record($conf, $log, "Warning! The argument 'fm' is deprecated, use 'port' instead.\n", 1); record($conf, $log, "Warning! Value: [$value] ignored.\n", 1); } } elsif ($name eq "ipaddr") { # Record the IP Address or name of the TrippLite to # use. $conf->{snmp}{ipaddr}=$value; } elsif ($name eq "caller") { # Record the caller, so that we know what standard to # operate in accordance with. $conf->{'caller'}=$value; } elsif ($name eq "login") { # Record the login name that was passed. $conf->{snmp}{login}=$value; } elsif ($name eq "name") { # Depricated argument used formerly for login name. if (not $conf->{snmp}{login}) { # Login isn't set yet, use this value which may # be replaced if 'login' is seen later. $conf->{snmp}{login}=$value; record($conf, $log, "Warning! The argument 'name' is deprecated, use 'login' instead.\n", 1); record($conf, $log, "Warning! Value: [$value] set for 'login'.\n", 1); } else { # I've already seen the 'login' value so I will # ignore this value. record($conf, $log, "Warning! The argument 'name' is deprecated, use 'login' instead.\n", 1); record($conf, $log, "Warning! Value: [$value] ignored.\n", 1); } } elsif (($name eq "action") or ($name eq "option")) { # 'option' is deprecated. record($conf, $log, "Please use 'action', not 'option', as the later is deprecated.\n", 1) if $name eq "option"; $conf->{snmp}{action}=$value; } elsif ($name eq "passwd") { # This is the login password. $conf->{snmp}{passwd}=$value; } elsif ($name eq "passwd_script") { # This is the path to the script that will return the # password to the agent. At this time, this is not # implemented. $conf->{snmp}{passwd_script}=$value; } elsif ($name eq "port") { # This sets the port number to act on. $conf->{snmp}{node}=$value; } elsif ($name eq "nodename") { # This is passed by 'fenced' via 'cluster.conf' as of # cluster version 3, but it's not yet documented. $conf->{'system'}{nodename}=$value; } elsif ($name eq "verbose") { # This is passed by 'fenced' via 'cluster.conf' as a # custom argument to supress output to STDOUT. $conf->{'system'}{verbose}=1; } else { record($conf, $log, "\nERROR: Illegal name in option: [$option] at line: [$line_count]\n\n", 1); # 'rohara' from #linux-cluster suggested it's better to # simply ignore unknown input, as that is the behaviour # the fenced authors expect. #$bad=1; } } return ($bad); } # This function simply prints messages to both the log and to stdout. sub record { my ($conf, $log, $msg, $critical)=@_; $critical=0 if not $critical; # The log file gets everything. print $log $msg; print $msg if $conf->{'system'}{verbose}; # Critical messages can only be surpressed by 'quiet'. print $msg if (($critical) && (not $conf->{'system'}{quiet})); return(0); } # This sets all ports of a given TrippLite to the requested state. sub set_all_state { my ($conf, $log, $state)=@_; $state=0 if not defined $state; my $max_port=$conf->{snmp}{max_nodes}; foreach my $node (1..$max_port) { $node=sprintf("%02d", $node).":$state"; record ($conf, $log, "Calling: [$node]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; my @set_state=$conf->{snmp}{handle}->cmd("$node"); foreach my $line (@set_state) { chomp $line; next if not $line; record($conf, $log, "$line\n"); } } return (9); } # When asked to 'monitor' or 'list', show a CSV of all nodes and their aliases, # when found in the config file. sub show_list { my ($conf, $log)=@_; record($conf, $log, "In 'show_list' function.\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # Get an up to date list of the ports. my $tl_id=$conf->{'system'}{tl_id}; record($conf, $log, "tl_id: [$tl_id], max_node: [$conf->{snmp}{max_nodes}]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; for (1..$conf->{snmp}{max_nodes}) { my $node=$_; my $alias=$conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{alias}{$node} ? $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{alias}{$node} : "--"; record ($conf, $log, "$node,$alias\n", 1); } do_exit($conf, $log, 0); } # This prints the version information of this fence agent and of any configured # fence devices. sub version { my ($conf, $log)=@_; # Print the Fence Agent version first. record ($conf, $log, "Fence Agent: ..... TrippLite ver. $conf->{'system'}{agent_version}\n", 1); record ($conf, $log, "TrippLite PDUs: .. $conf->{'system'}{tl_num}\n", 1); record ($conf, $log, "TrippLite PDU details not currently recorded.\n", 1); # for my $tl_id (1..$conf->{'system'}{tl_num}) # { # $conf->{'system'}{tl_id}=$tl_id; # $conf->{snmp}{ipaddr}= $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{ipaddr}; # $conf->{snmp}{tcp_port}= $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{tcp_port}; # $conf->{snmp}{tl_name}= $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{tl_name}; # my $build_date=""; # my $serial_number=""; # my $firmware_ver=""; # connect_to_tl($conf, $log); # if ($conf->{snmp}{handle}) # { # # Get the NAOS version and serial numbers. # my @details=$conf->{snmp}{handle}->cmd("00:1"); # foreach my $line (sort {$a cmp $b} @details) # { # chomp $line; # ($build_date)=($line=~/\s(\S+)$/) if ($line =~ /Build Date/i ); # ($serial_number)=($line=~/\s(\S+)$/) if ($line =~ /Serial Number/i ); # ($firmware_ver)=($line=~/\s(\S+)$/) if ($line =~ /NAOS Version/i ); # record($conf, $log, "line: [$line]\n") if $conf->{'system'}{debug}; # } # } # else # { # $build_date="??"; # $serial_number="??"; # $firmware_ver="??"; # } # record ($conf, $log, " - TrippLite: #$tl_id\n", 1); # record ($conf, $log, " - Name: ....... $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{tl_name}\n", 1); # record ($conf, $log, " - IP Address: . $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{ipaddr}\n", 1); # record ($conf, $log, " - TCP Port: ... $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{tcp_port}\n", 1); # record ($conf, $log, " - MAC Address: $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{mac}\n", 1); # record ($conf, $log, " - Netmask: .... $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{netmask}\n", 1); # record ($conf, $log, " - Gateway: .... $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{gateway}\n", 1); # record ($conf, $log, " - Serial #: ... $serial_number\n", 1); # record ($conf, $log, " - Firmware: ... $firmware_ver\n", 1); # record ($conf, $log, " - Build Date: . $build_date (yyyy-mm-dd)\n", 1); # record ($conf, $log, " - Max Nodes: .. $conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{max_nodes}\n", 1); # # # Get the node states. # my $states=get_states($conf, $log); # for (1..$conf->{snmp}{$tl_id}{max_nodes}) # { # my $node=sprintf("%02d", $_); # my $power_state=$states->{$node}{power_state}; # my $reset_state=$states->{$node}{reset_state}; # my $feed_state=$states->{$node}{feed_state}; # record ($conf, $log, " - Node $node: .. p[$power_state], r[$reset_state], f[$feed_state]\n", 1); # } # # # Close the handle for the next loop. # if ($conf->{snmp}{handle}) # { # show_list($conf, $log, "version", 1); # $conf->{snmp}{tcp_port}->close(); # } # else # { # no_connection_error($conf, $log, $tl_id); # } # } do_exit($conf, $log, 0); } ############################################################################### # Sssh, there are private functions # ############################################################################### ### Contributed by Shaun Fryer and Viktor Pavlenko by way of TPM. # This is a helper to the below '_make_hash_reference' function. It is called # each time a new string is to be created as a new hash key in the passed hash # reference. sub _add_hash_reference { my $href1=shift; my $href2=shift; for my $key (keys %$href2) { if (ref $href1->{$key} eq 'HASH') { _add_hash_reference($href1->{$key}, $href2->{$key}); } else { $href1->{$key}=$href2->{$key}; } } } ### Contributed by Shaun Fryer and Viktor Pavlenko by way of TPM. # This takes a string with double-colon seperators and divides on those # double-colons to create a hash reference where each element is a hash key. sub _make_hash_reference { my $href=shift; my $key_string=shift; my $value=shift; my $chomp_root=0; if ($chomp_root) { $key_string=~s/\w+:://; } my @keys = split /::/, $key_string; my $last_key = pop @keys; my $_href = {}; $_href->{$last_key}=$value; while (my $key = pop @keys) { my $elem = {}; $elem->{$key} = $_href; $_href = $elem; } _add_hash_reference($href, $_href); }