#!/usr/bin/perl # Author: Digimer; digimer@alteeve.ca # Date: Jun. 21, 2010 # License: GPLv2 # Be clean use strict; use warnings; # Read the IP address my $ip=$ARGV[0]; # Sanity-check it. usage() if not $ip; my ($a, $b, $c, $d)=($ip=~/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/); usage() if ((not defined $a) || (not defined $b) || (not defined $c) || (not defined $d)); # Convert and print print $ip." = ".convert($a).convert($b).convert($c).convert($d), "\n"; exit (0); sub convert { my ($dec)=@_; # Convert the decimal to hexadecimal and pad the result with a leading # zero if needed. my $hex = sprintf("%x", $dec); $hex=length($hex) == 1 ? "0".$hex : $hex; # Return the upercase result. return (uc($hex)); } # Useful death. sub usage { print "\nPlease pass in the IP address as the only argument.\n"; print "Do not pass the netmask. Example:\n"; print "\n\t./ip_to_hex\n\n"; exit(1); }