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 Alteeve Wiki :: Filesystems


This started out as a collection of file systems that would be supported by TLE-BU. TLE-BU is no longer being developed, but this list remains as a central archive of active and past file-systems. If you have any insight into any of these file systems, please contribute!

The List

Filesystem List

What is a File System?

A file system is a method or storing data on a storage device or medium. Generally, a file system is created on top of a logical partition (which could take the full space on a given storage device).

A file system determines things like the size of each block, how files are stored and retrieved, and how data integrity is maintained. It also places limits of such things as the maximum number of files, the maximum size of files and the maximum size of the partition it will install on.

See: Martin Hinner's (, Filesystem HowTo

[Filesystems-HOWTO.pdf] (Local Copy)


Any questions, feedback, advice, complaints or meanderings are welcome.
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