Managing Networks With nmcli

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 AN!Wiki :: How To :: Managing Networks With nmcli

This article shows how to manage a network using just nmcli.

Key to this article, and to EL9 and above OSes, is that the old ifcfg-X files are no longer used. They can be forced, but let's not hold on to the past like that.

Network Manager Device Parameters

Network Manager stores all of the information relating to a network device in a "profile". What exactly is stored in this profile will vary be device, which can be seen using the "nmcli connection show <device_name>" command. The output is quite extensive, and there is an example of a standard network interface at the end of this tutorial.

Setting a Static IP on an Interface

The most basic step we'll start with is to simple assign a static IP address

Naming and Labelling Interfaces

Note: This requires that the initscripts-rename-device program is installed.

In previous versions of the Anvil!, we would uninstall biosdevname and change the actual network interface name to reflect it's role in the Anvil! cluster. This is no longer viable with EL9.

Note: In EL9, Red Hat says to only use biosdevname on Dell systems. We'll try to avoid that to provide maximum hardware agnosticism.

To rename an interface, first we need to decide which we want to rename. For this example, we've got only one network interface on the system, named enp1s0. We will rename this to 'ifn1_link1'.

ip addr list
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp1s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:d3:19:cc brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute enp1s0
       valid_lft 3435sec preferred_lft 3435sec
    inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fed3:19cc/64 scope link noprefixroute 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

The lo interface is virtual and we will ignore it.

Note the MAC address, which is "52:54:00:d3:19:cc" in this example.

We need the type ID for this interface, which we can find by reading /sys/class/net/enp1s0/type.

cat /sys/class/net/enp1s0/type

Now create or append the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and add this line;

vim /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules


{{note|1=This next step is optional and can take a minute to complete, please be patient. It's likely not actually needed.}}

Regenerate the <span class="code">initrd</span> RAM disk image. Note that there will be no output.

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
dracut -f

Identify the name of the device we're renaming.

nmcli --fields device,name connection show
enp1s0  enp1s0 
lo      lo

In this example, both the name and the device are the same. If the "NAME" column was something other than enp1s0, make note of the name.

We need to clear the existing interface name. We can see the existing name with the command below, where X in "show X is the device NAME from above:

nmcli --fields connection.interface-name connection show enp1s0
connection.interface-name:              enp1s0

So we got the name right, so now lets delete it.

nmcli connection modify enp1s0 connection.interface-name ""

There's no output from this command, but we can re-run the previous command to confirm the change.

nmcli --fields connection.interface-name connection show enp1s0
connection.interface-name:              --

Last step, before rebooting, is to match the old and new device names. First we can see if there's an existing "match" parameter, and there should NOT be one.

nmcli --fields match.interface-name connection show enp1s0

This parameter doesn't exist, and so there is no output. That's expected. Now set the match:

nmcli connection modify enp1s0 match.interface-name "ifn1_link1 enp1s0"

As before, there's no output. However, now there should be output when we query that parameter.

nmcli --fields match.interface-name connection show enp1s0
match.interface-name:                   ifn1_link1,enp1s0

Excellent! Now reboot the computer.


Once it's back up, you can check that the new device name exists.

ip addr list
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ifn1_link1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:d3:19:cc brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp1s0
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute ifn1_link1
       valid_lft 3577sec preferred_lft 3577sec
    inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fed3:19cc/64 scope link noprefixroute 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

If we look at network manager's output, we can see the new name has been applied to the interface.

nmcli --fields device,name connection show
ifn1_link1  enp1s0 
lo          lo

Voila! The device has been renamed!

Network Properties Example

nmcli connection show enp1s0                          enp1s0
connection.uuid:                        80d3aaf2-0ed8-3e32-977c-e3c63c39581f
connection.stable-id:                   --
connection.type:                        802-3-ethernet
connection.interface-name:              enp1s0
connection.autoconnect:                 yes
connection.autoconnect-priority:        -999
connection.autoconnect-retries:         -1 (default)
connection.multi-connect:               0 (default)
connection.auth-retries:                -1
connection.timestamp:                   1701721755
connection.permissions:                 --                        --
connection.master:                      --
connection.slave-type:                  --
connection.autoconnect-slaves:          -1 (default)
connection.secondaries:                 --
connection.gateway-ping-timeout:        0
connection.metered:                     unknown
connection.lldp:                        default
connection.mdns:                        -1 (default)
connection.llmnr:                       -1 (default)
connection.dns-over-tls:                -1 (default)
connection.mptcp-flags:                 0x0 (default)
connection.wait-device-timeout:         -1
connection.wait-activation-delay:       -1
802-3-ethernet.port:                    --
802-3-ethernet.speed:                   0
802-3-ethernet.duplex:                  --          no
802-3-ethernet.mac-address:             --
802-3-ethernet.cloned-mac-address:      --
802-3-ethernet.mac-address-blacklist:   --
802-3-ethernet.mtu:                     auto
802-3-ethernet.s390-subchannels:        --
802-3-ethernet.s390-nettype:            --
802-3-ethernet.s390-options:            --
802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan:             default
802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan-password:    --
802-3-ethernet.accept-all-mac-addresses:-1 (default)
ipv4.method:                            auto
ipv4.dns:                               --
ipv4.dns-search:                        --
ipv4.dns-options:                       --
ipv4.dns-priority:                      0
ipv4.addresses:                         --
ipv4.gateway:                           --
ipv4.routes:                            --
ipv4.route-metric:                      -1
ipv4.route-table:                       0 (unspec)
ipv4.routing-rules:                     --
ipv4.replace-local-rule:                -1 (default)
ipv4.ignore-auto-routes:                no
ipv4.ignore-auto-dns:                   no
ipv4.dhcp-client-id:                    --
ipv4.dhcp-iaid:                         --
ipv4.dhcp-timeout:                      0 (default)
ipv4.dhcp-send-hostname:                yes
ipv4.dhcp-hostname:                     --
ipv4.dhcp-fqdn:                         --
ipv4.dhcp-hostname-flags:               0x0 (none)
ipv4.never-default:                     no
ipv4.may-fail:                          yes
ipv4.required-timeout:                  -1 (default)                       -1 (default)
ipv4.dhcp-vendor-class-identifier:      --                        0 (default)
ipv4.dhcp-reject-servers:               --                 -1 (default)
ipv6.method:                            auto
ipv6.dns:                               --
ipv6.dns-search:                        --
ipv6.dns-options:                       --
ipv6.dns-priority:                      0
ipv6.addresses:                         --
ipv6.gateway:                           --
ipv6.routes:                            --
ipv6.route-metric:                      -1
ipv6.route-table:                       0 (unspec)
ipv6.routing-rules:                     --
ipv6.replace-local-rule:                -1 (default)
ipv6.ignore-auto-routes:                no
ipv6.ignore-auto-dns:                   no
ipv6.never-default:                     no
ipv6.may-fail:                          yes
ipv6.required-timeout:                  -1 (default)
ipv6.ip6-privacy:                       -1 (unknown)
ipv6.addr-gen-mode:                     eui64
ipv6.ra-timeout:                        0 (default)
ipv6.mtu:                               auto
ipv6.dhcp-pd-hint:                      --
ipv6.dhcp-duid:                         --
ipv6.dhcp-iaid:                         --
ipv6.dhcp-timeout:                      0 (default)
ipv6.dhcp-send-hostname:                yes
ipv6.dhcp-hostname:                     --
ipv6.dhcp-hostname-flags:               0x0 (none)                 -1 (default)
ipv6.token:                             --
proxy.method:                           none
proxy.browser-only:                     no
proxy.pac-url:                          --
proxy.pac-script:                       --
GENERAL.NAME:                           enp1s0
GENERAL.UUID:                           80d3aaf2-0ed8-3e32-977c-e3c63c39581f
GENERAL.DEVICES:                        enp1s0
GENERAL.IP-IFACE:                       enp1s0
GENERAL.STATE:                          activated
GENERAL.DEFAULT:                        yes
GENERAL.DEFAULT6:                       no
GENERAL.SPEC-OBJECT:                    --
GENERAL.VPN:                            no
GENERAL.DBUS-PATH:                      /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/2
GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/1
GENERAL.ZONE:                           --
GENERAL.MASTER-PATH:                    --
IP4.ROUTE[1]:                           dst =, nh =, mt = 100
IP4.ROUTE[2]:                           dst =, nh =, mt = 100
IP4.DOMAIN[1]:                          ifn1_bridge1
DHCP4.OPTION[1]:                        broadcast_address =
DHCP4.OPTION[2]:                        dhcp_client_identifier = 01:52:54:00:d3:19:cc
DHCP4.OPTION[3]:                        dhcp_lease_time = 3600
DHCP4.OPTION[4]:                        dhcp_server_identifier =
DHCP4.OPTION[5]:                        domain_name = ifn1_bridge1
DHCP4.OPTION[6]:                        domain_name_servers =
DHCP4.OPTION[7]:                        expiry = 1701758267
DHCP4.OPTION[8]:                        interface_mtu = 9000
DHCP4.OPTION[9]:                        ip_address =
DHCP4.OPTION[10]:                       next_server =
DHCP4.OPTION[11]:                       requested_broadcast_address = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[12]:                       requested_domain_name = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[13]:                       requested_domain_name_servers = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[14]:                       requested_domain_search = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[15]:                       requested_host_name = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[16]:                       requested_interface_mtu = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[17]:                       requested_ms_classless_static_routes = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[18]:                       requested_nis_domain = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[19]:                       requested_nis_servers = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[20]:                       requested_ntp_servers = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[21]:                       requested_rfc3442_classless_static_routes = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[22]:                       requested_root_path = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[23]:                       requested_routers = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[24]:                       requested_static_routes = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[25]:                       requested_subnet_mask = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[26]:                       requested_time_offset = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[27]:                       requested_wpad = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[28]:                       routers =
DHCP4.OPTION[29]:                       subnet_mask =
IP6.ADDRESS[1]:                         fe80::5054:ff:fed3:19cc/64
IP6.GATEWAY:                            --
IP6.ROUTE[1]:                           dst = fe80::/64, nh = ::, mt = 1024


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