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 Alteeve Wiki :: Byte

A byte is the smallest unit of storage used in modern computers. It is made of 8 bits and can be arranged in 256 possible combinations. These possible combinations are used to represent a base set of values, the specifics of which depend on the operating system being used. Most modern operating systems conform to ASCII standards and thus share the same representative values for the first 128 possible combinations.

In the example below, Little Endian binary strings are used.

One byte can be represented with these possible combinations:

Binary to Hex to Decimal to ASCII Conversion Table

 <Binary>    <Hex>   <Decimal>  <ASCII>
 0000 0000   00      0          NUL (Control Character with the value '0')
 0000 0001   01      1          SOH (Control Character; 'Start Of Header')
 0000 0010   02      2          STX (Control Character; 'Start Of Text')
 0000 0011   03      3          ETX (Control Character; 'End Of Text')
 0000 0100   04      4          EOT (Control Character; 'End Of Transmission')
 0000 0101   05      5          ENQ (Control Character; 'Enquiry')
 0000 0110   06      6          ACK (Control Character; 'Acknowledge')
 0000 0111   07      7          BEL (Control Character; 'Bell' - Sounds the system bell)
 0000 1000   08      8          BS  (Control Character; 'Back Space')
 0000 1001   09      9          HT  (Control Character; 'Horizontal Tab')
 0000 1010   0a      10         LF  (Control Character; 'Line Feed')
 0000 1011   0b      11         VT  (Control Character; 'Vertival Tab')
 0000 1100   0c      12         FF  (Control Character; 'Form Feed')
 0000 1101   0d      13         CR  (Control Character; 'Carriage Return')
 0000 1110   0e      14         SO  (Control Character; 'Shift Out')
 0000 1111   0f      15         SI  (Control Character; 'Shift In')
 0001 0000   10      16         DLE (Control Character; 'Data Link Escape')
 0001 0001   11      17         DC1 (Control Character; 'Device Control 1' - Sometimes referred to as 'XON')
 0001 0010   12      18         DC2 (Control Character; 'Device Control 2')
 0001 0011   13      19         DC3 (Control Character; 'Device Control 3' - Sometimes referred to as 'XOFF')
 0001 0100   14      20         DC4 (Control Character; 'Device Control 4')
 0001 0101   15      21         NAK (Control Character; 'Negative Acknowledge')
 0001 0110   16      22         SYN (Control Character; 'Synchronous Acknowledge')
 0001 0111   17      23         ETB (Control Character; 'End of Transmission Block')
 0001 1000   18      24         CAN (Control Character; 'Cancel')
 0001 1001   19      25         EM  (Control Character; 'End of Medium')
 0001 1010   1a      26         SUB (Control Character; 'Substitute')
 0001 1011   1b      27         ESC (Control Character; 'Escape')
 0001 1100   1c      28         FS  (Control Character; 'File Separator')
 0001 1101   1d      29         GS  (Control Character; 'Group Separator')
 0001 1110   1e      30         RS  (Control Character; 'Record Separator')
 0001 1111   1f      31         US  (Control Character; 'Unit Separator')
 0010 0000   20      32         ' ' (space, the character entered when the space-bar key is pressed)
 0010 0001   21      33         !   (Exclamation mark)
 0010 0010   22      34         "   (Double Quote)
 0010 0011   23      35         #   (Called 'Pound Sign', 'Hash', 'Sharp')
 0010 0100   24      36         $   (Dollar Symbol)
 0010 0101   25      37         %   (Percent Sign)
 0010 0110   26      38         &   (Ampersand)
 0010 0111   27      39         '   (Single Quote)
 0010 1000   28      40         (   (Left Bracket)
 0010 1001   29      41         )   (Right Bracket)
 0010 1010   2a      42         *   (Astrix)
 0010 1011   2b      43         +   (Plus Sign)
 0010 1100   2c      44         ,   (Comma)
 0010 1101   2d      45         -   (Hyphen, Minus Sign)
 0010 1110   2e      46         .   (Period)
 0010 1111   2f      47         /   (Slash, Forward Slash, Divide Sign)
 0011 0000   30      48         0   (Numeral Zero)
 0011 0001   31      49         1   (Numeral One)
 0011 0010   32      50         2   (Numeral Two)
 0011 0011   33      51         3   (Numeral Three)
 0011 0100   34      52         4   (Numeral Four)
 0011 0101   35      53         5   (Numeral Five)
 0011 0110   36      54         6   (Numeral Six)
 0011 0111   37      55         7   (Numeral Seven)
 0011 1000   38      56         8   (Numeral Eight)
 0011 1001   39      57         9   (Numeral Nine)
 0011 1010   3a      58         :   (Colon)
 0011 1011   3b      59         ;   (Semi-Colon)
 0011 1100   3c      60         <   (Left Angle Bracket, Less-Than Sign)
 0011 1101   3d      61         =   (Equal Sign)
 0011 1110   3e      62         >   (Right Angle Bracket, Greater-Than Sign)
 0011 1111   3f      63         ?   (Question Mark)
 0100 0000   40      64         @   (At Sign)
 0100 0001   41      65         A
 0100 0010   42      66         B
 0100 0011   43      67         C
 0111 1111   7f      127        DEL (Control Character; 'Delete')
 1111 1111   ff      255        --


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