Generic el5 node.ks

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 AN!Wiki :: How To :: Generic el5 node.ks

This is a generic kickstart file for use in a PXE server.

WARNING: As is, this kickstart will format the host's hard drives without prompting. It also pre-defines a host name, initial user and passwords. Adapt this script, do not blindly use it.

Download the generic_el5_node.ks file, ~3.8 KiB.

# Kickstart file created by Madison Kelly (
# For:
# Centos 5.5, AN!Cluster Node - Generic
# - May work with other versions but not tested.

# Text installs aren't so pretty, but they work well on almost any display,
# including remote viewers line VNC. If things go well, the user should not
# need to see the install process anyway.

# Tell anaconda to run a full install.

# This tells anaconda where to find the installation files. You need to adapt
# this for your network. To setup a PXE server, please see: 
# -
url --url=

# Set the localization values. Update these to suit your needs.
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
langsupport en_USmerica/Toronto
timezone --utc America/Toronto

# There is no way to map device names to physical interfaces. For this reason,
# I only define the one interface and then remap the interfaces to physical
# devices and set their network settings post install. A tutorial on this step
# can be found here:
# -
network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --onboot yes --hostname

# The following arguments setup the 'root' and initial user account called
# 'digimer'. I set both accounts to have the password 'initial'. You can change
# this by setting a password you like on another system and then copying the
# hashed password out of /etc/shadow.
authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5
# Password is 'initial'.
rootpw --iscrypted $6$0riSEDMyCvHPdhCv$lvuhEOqU2yo9szCJHtAsVUK3maHyWlpZmVi6PCRkrOfifL/38J7SaGUopehv/rzwQvhqxNla/jPvD10uwuPY4/
# Password is 'initial'.
user --name=digimer --iscrypted --password=$6$0riSEDMyCvHPdhCv$lvuhEOqU2yo9szCJHtAsVUK3maHyWlpZmVi6PCRkrOfifL/38J7SaGUopehv/rzwQvhqxNla/jPvD10uwuPY4/

# Disable the firewall, SELinux, some unwanted services and he enable some I
# want.
firewall --disabled
selinux --disabled
firstboot --disable
services --disabled NetworkManager,iptables,ip6tables,libvirtd,xend,xendomains
services --enabled network

# Reboot on install completion.
# Setup the hard drive. This is extremely trivial and will only use one drive
# so as to work on as many systems as possible. Please adapt to suit your
# needs. As we will use CLVM, please do not use LVM on the base system. It will
# technically work, but it will cause needless warnings.
zerombr yes
clearpart --linux --drives=sda,sdb
bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda,sdb --append="dom0_mem=1024M"

# I don't use LVM as I will use CLVM on the cluster later.
part	/boot	--fstype ext3	--size=250	--ondisk=sda	--asprimary
part	swap			--size=4096	--ondisk=sda	--asprimary
part	/	--fstype ext3	--size=20480	--ondisk=sda	--asprimary

# Packages

# As per:, this removes
# the graphical boot as it sometimes produces difficult to read boot screens.
sed 's/ rhgb quiet//g' /boot/grub/grub.conf > /boot/grub/grub.conf.temp && mv -f /boot/grub/grub.conf.temp /boot/grub/grub.conf


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