MegaCli64 Cheat Sheet

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 AN!Wiki :: MegaCli64 Cheat Sheet

Note: All content here is "©2014 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved".

This copy is made of reference only and no claim is made by Alteeve's Niche! to any of the referenced material.

This page is a nearly direct copy of LSI/Avago reference page, as of July 26, 2014, for the MegaCli Linux command line tool.

This copy was made for two reasons;

  • The original article was formatted in such a way that the content was hard to read.
  • A copy of the content was desired in case of interruption in LSI/Avago's website.

General Commands

Command Syntax
View Version MegaCli64 v
Help MegaCli64 help|h|?

Set Adapter Properties

Command Syntax Example
Cache Flush Interval MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {CacheFlushInterval val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp CacheFlushInterval 2 a0
Rebuild Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {RebuildRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp RebuildRate 75 a0
Patrol Read Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {PatrolReadRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp PatrolReadRate 38 a0
BGI (BackGround Interval) Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {BgiRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp BgiRate 92 a0
CC (Consistency Check) Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {CCRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp CCRate 23 a0
Reconstruction Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {ReconRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp ReconRate 15 a0
Spinup Drive Count MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {SpinupDriveCount val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp SpinupDriveCount 2 a0
Spinup Delay MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {SpinupDelay val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp SpinupDelay 10 a0
Coercion Mode MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {CoercionMode val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp CoercionMode 0 a0
Predictive Failure Poll Interval MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {PredFailPollInterval val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp PredFailPollInterval 20 a0
Battery Warning Enable/Disable MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {BatWarnDsbl val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp BatWarnDsbl 0 a0
ECC Bucket Size MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {EccBucketSize val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp EccBucketSize 128 a0
ECC Bucket Leak Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {EccBucketLeakRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp EccBucketLeakRate 64 a0
Abort Check Consistency on Error MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {AbortCCOnError val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AbortCCOnError 0 a0
Enable SMART Copyback MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {SMARTCpyBkEnbl val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp SMARTCpyBkEnbl 0 a0
Enable SSD SMART Copyback MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {SSDSMARTCpyBkEnbl val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp SSDSMARTCpyBkEnble 0 a0
Enable NCQ MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {NCQEnbl} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp NCQEnbl a0
Disable NCQ MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {NCQDsbl} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp NCQDsbl a0

Alarm Control

Command Syntax Example
Alarm Enable MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AlarmEnbl aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AlarmEnbl a0
Alarm Disable MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AlarmDsbl aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AlarmDsbl a0
Alarm Silence MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AlarmSilence aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp NCQDsbl a0

View Adapter Properties

Command Syntax Example
View number of adapters MegaCli64 adpcount MegaCli64 adpcount
Cache Flush Interval MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CacheFlushInterval aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CacheFlushInterval a0
Rebuild Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp RebuildRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp RebuildRate a0
Patrol Read Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp PatrolReadRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp PatrolReadRate a0
BGI (BackGround Interval) Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp BgiRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp BgiRate a0
CC (Consistency Check) Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CCRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CCRate a0
Reconstruction Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp ReconRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp ReconRate a0
Spinup Drive Count MegaCli64 AdpGetProp SpinupDriveCount aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp SpinupDriveCount a0
Spinup Delay MegaCli64 AdpGetProp SpinupDelay aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp SpinupDelay a0
Coercion Mode MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CoercionMode aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CoercionMode a0
Predictive Failure Poll Interval MegaCli64 AdpGetProp PredFailPollInterval aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp PredFailPollInterval a0
Battery Warning Enable/Disable MegaCli64 AdpGetProp BatWarnDsbl aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp BatWarnDsbl a0
ECC Bucket Size MegaCli64 AdpGetProp EccBucketSize aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp EccBucketSize a0
ECC Bucket Leak Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp EccBucketLeakRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp EccBucketLeakRate a0
Abort Check Consistency on Error (CC) MegaCli64 AdpGetProp AbortCCOnError aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp AbortCCOnError a0
Alarm Status (Enabled/Disabled/Silenced) MegaCli64 AdpGetProp AlarmDsply aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp AlarmDsply a0
All Adapter Information MegaCli64 AdpAllInfo aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpAllInfo a0
Get Adapter Time MegaCli64 AdpGetTime aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetTime a0
Set Adapter Time MegaCli64 AdpSetTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss aN MegaCli64 AdpSetTime 20071210 9:33:00 a0
Adapter Set Verify MegaCli64 AdpSetTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss aN MegaCli64 AdpSetTime 20071210 9:33:00 a0

Adapter BIOS State / Boot Options

Command Syntax Example
Enable BIOS MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Enbl aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Enbl a0
Disable BIOS MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Dsbl aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Dsbl a0
Set BIOS to Stop on Error MegaCli64 AdpBIOS SOE aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS SOE a0
Set BIOS to Bypass Error MegaCli64 AdpBIOS BE aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS BE a0
Display BIOS State MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Dsply aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Dsply a0
Set Boot Drive MegaCli64 AdpBootDrive {Set Lx} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Dsply a0
Display Boot Drive MegaCli64 AdpBootDrive Get aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBootDrive Get a0

Adapter's Auto Rebuild Settings


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