MegaCli64 Cheat Sheet

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 AN!Wiki :: MegaCli64 Cheat Sheet

Note: All content here is "©2014 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved".

This copy is made of reference only and no claim is made by Alteeve's Niche! to any of the referenced material.

This page is a nearly direct copy of LSI/Avago reference page, as of July 26, 2014, for the MegaCli Linux command line tool.

This copy was made for two reasons;

  • The original article was formatted in such a way that the content was hard to read.
  • A copy of the content was desired in case of interruption in LSI/Avago's website.

General Commands

Command Syntax
View Version MegaCli64 v
Help MegaCli64 help|h|?

Set Adapter Properties

Command Syntax Example
Cache Flush Interval MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {CacheFlushInterval val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp CacheFlushInterval 2 a0
Rebuild Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {RebuildRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp RebuildRate 75 a0
Patrol Read Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {PatrolReadRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp PatrolReadRate 38 a0
BGI (BackGround Interval) Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {BgiRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp BgiRate 92 a0
CC (Consistency Check) Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {CCRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp CCRate 23 a0
Reconstruction Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {ReconRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp ReconRate 15 a0
Spinup Drive Count MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {SpinupDriveCount val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp SpinupDriveCount 2 a0
Spinup Delay MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {SpinupDelay val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp SpinupDelay 10 a0
Coercion Mode MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {CoercionMode val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp CoercionMode 0 a0
Predictive Failure Poll Interval MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {PredFailPollInterval val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp PredFailPollInterval 20 a0
Battery Warning Enable/Disable MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {BatWarnDsbl val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp BatWarnDsbl 0 a0
ECC Bucket Size MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {EccBucketSize val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp EccBucketSize 128 a0
ECC Bucket Leak Rate MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {EccBucketLeakRate val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp EccBucketLeakRate 64 a0
Abort Check Consistency on Error MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {AbortCCOnError val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AbortCCOnError 0 a0
Enable SMART Copyback MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {SMARTCpyBkEnbl val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp SMARTCpyBkEnbl 0 a0
Enable SSD SMART Copyback MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {SSDSMARTCpyBkEnbl val} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp SSDSMARTCpyBkEnble 0 a0
Enable NCQ MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {NCQEnbl} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp NCQEnbl a0
Disable NCQ MegaCli64 AdpSetProp {NCQDsbl} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp NCQDsbl a0

Alarm Control

Command Syntax Example
Alarm Enable MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AlarmEnbl aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AlarmEnbl a0
Alarm Disable MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AlarmDsbl aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AlarmDsbl a0
Alarm Silence MegaCli64 AdpSetProp AlarmSilence aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpSetProp NCQDsbl a0

View Adapter Properties

Command Syntax Example
View number of adapters MegaCli64 adpcount MegaCli64 adpcount
Cache Flush Interval MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CacheFlushInterval aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CacheFlushInterval a0
Rebuild Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp RebuildRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp RebuildRate a0
Patrol Read Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp PatrolReadRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp PatrolReadRate a0
BGI (BackGround Interval) Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp BgiRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp BgiRate a0
CC (Consistency Check) Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CCRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CCRate a0
Reconstruction Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp ReconRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp ReconRate a0
Spinup Drive Count MegaCli64 AdpGetProp SpinupDriveCount aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp SpinupDriveCount a0
Spinup Delay MegaCli64 AdpGetProp SpinupDelay aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp SpinupDelay a0
Coercion Mode MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CoercionMode aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp CoercionMode a0
Predictive Failure Poll Interval MegaCli64 AdpGetProp PredFailPollInterval aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp PredFailPollInterval a0
Battery Warning Enable/Disable MegaCli64 AdpGetProp BatWarnDsbl aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp BatWarnDsbl a0
ECC Bucket Size MegaCli64 AdpGetProp EccBucketSize aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp EccBucketSize a0
ECC Bucket Leak Rate MegaCli64 AdpGetProp EccBucketLeakRate aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp EccBucketLeakRate a0
Abort Check Consistency on Error (CC) MegaCli64 AdpGetProp AbortCCOnError aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp AbortCCOnError a0
Alarm Status (Enabled/Disabled/Silenced) MegaCli64 AdpGetProp AlarmDsply aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetProp AlarmDsply a0
All Adapter Information MegaCli64 AdpAllInfo aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpAllInfo a0
Get Adapter Time MegaCli64 AdpGetTime aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpGetTime a0
Set Adapter Time MegaCli64 AdpSetTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss aN MegaCli64 AdpSetTime 20071210 9:33:00 a0
Adapter Set Verify MegaCli64 AdpSetTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss aN MegaCli64 AdpSetTime 20071210 9:33:00 a0

Adapter BIOS State / Boot Options

Command Syntax Example
Enable BIOS MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Enbl aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Enbl a0
Disable BIOS MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Dsbl aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Dsbl a0
Set BIOS to Stop on Error MegaCli64 AdpBIOS SOE aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS SOE a0
Set BIOS to Bypass Error MegaCli64 AdpBIOS BE aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS BE a0
Display BIOS State MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Dsply aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Dsply a0
Set Boot Drive MegaCli64 AdpBootDrive {Set Lx} aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBIOS Dsply a0
Display Boot Drive MegaCli64 AdpBootDrive Get aN|a0,1,2|aALL MegaCli64 AdpBootDrive Get a0

Adapter's Auto Rebuild Settings

Note: This appears to be missing in the source document.

Command Type

These sections are broken out into sections based on the 'Command Type' column in the source document. This breakout was done to preserve horizontal screen real-estate and to make index navigation more useful.

Server / System

Command Description Syntax
Show system overview Displays a summary of all the controllers that are present in the server. MegaCli64 adpCount
Download firmware CLI will attempt to download fw to all compatible controllers that supports the image. By default CLI with check signature and version. MegaCli64 AdpFwFlash f filename [NoSigChk] [NoVerChk] aN|a0,1,2|aALL
Flash FW in Mode 0 with ROM file Flashes the firmware in Mode 0 with the ROM file listed. For Mode 0 flash, the adapter number is not valid. MegaCli64 AdpM0Flash f filename

Patrol Read


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