Source AN::Tools::Readable

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 AN!Tools :: AN::Tools :: Source AN::Tools::Readable

package AN::Tools::Readable;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION="0.1.001";
my $THIS_FILE="";

sub new
	my $class=shift;
	my $self={
		USE_BASE_2	=>	1,
	bless $self, $class;
	return ($self);

# Get a handle on the AN::Tools object. I know that technically that is a
# sibling module, but it makes more sense in this case to think of it as a
# parent.
sub parent
	my $self=shift;
	my $parent=shift;
	$self->{HANDLE}{TOOLS}=$parent if $parent;
	return ($self->{HANDLE}{TOOLS});

# Return and/or set whether Base 2 or Base 10 notation is in use.
sub base2
	my $self=shift;
	my $set=shift;
	if (defined $set)
		if (($set == 0) || ($set == 1))
			my $an=$self->parent;
				fatal	=>	1,
				title	=>	"Invalid argument",
				message	=>	"The invalid argument: [$set] was passed into the 'AN::Tools::Readable' module's 'base2' method.",
				code	=>	3,
				file	=>	"$THIS_FILE",
				line	=>	__LINE__
	return ($self->{USE_BASE_2});

# This takes a large number and inserts commas every three characters left of
# the decimal place. This method doesn't take a parameter hash reference.
sub comma
	my $self=shift;
	my $number=shift;
	# This just makes the code more consistent.
	my $an=$self->parent;
	# Clear any prior errors as I may set one here.
	# Return if nothing passed.
	return undef if not defined $number;
	# Strip out any existing commas.
	# Split on the left-most period.
	my ($whole, $decimal)=split/\./, $number, 2;
	$whole="" if not defined $whole;
	$decimal="" if not defined $decimal;
	# Now die if either number has a non-digit character in it.
	if (($whole=~/\D/) || ($decimal=~/\D/))
		my $an=$self->parent;
			fatal	=>	1,
			title	=>	"Invalid Character in Argument",
			message	=>	"The number: [$number] passed into the 'AN::Tools::Readable' module's 'comma' method contains a non-digit character or too many decimals.",
			code	=>	4,
			file	=>	"$THIS_FILE",
			line	=>	__LINE__
		# Return nothing in case the user is blocking fatal errors.
		return (undef);
	local($_)=$whole ? $whole : "";
	1 while s/^(-?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
	my $return=$decimal ? "$whole.$decimal" : $whole;
	return ($return);

# Takes a number of seconds and turns it into d/h/m/s
sub time
	my $self=shift;
	my $param=shift;
	return undef if not defined $param;
	# This just makes the code more consistent.
	my $an=$self->parent;
	# Clear any prior errors as I may set one here.
	# Now see if the user passed the values in a hash reference or
	# directly.
	my $time=0;
	if (ref($param) eq "HASH")
		# Values passed in a hash, good.
		$time=$param->{'time'} ? $param->{'time'} : 0;
		# Values passed directly.
		$time=$param ? $param : 0;
	my $old_time=$time;
	my $float=0;
	my $sign=$time=~/^-/ ? "-" : "";
	if ($time=~/\./) { ($time, $float)=split/\./, $time, 2; }
	# Die if either the 'time' or 'float' has a non-digit character in it.
	if (($time=~/\D/) || ($float=~/\D/))
			fatal	=>	1,
			title	=>	"Illegal value in 'AN::Tools::Readable->time()'",
			message	=>	"The passed time: [$old_time] contains an illegal value. Only digits and one decimal place are allowed in the given time. Commas are allowed but are stripped out.",
			code	=>	5,
			file	=>	"$THIS_FILE",
			line	=>	__LINE__
		# Return nothing in case the user is blocking fatal
		# errors.
		return (undef);
	my $seconds=$time % 60;
	my $minutes=($time - $seconds) / 60;
	my $rem_min=$minutes % 60;
	my $hours=($minutes - $rem_min) / 60;
	my $rem_hours=$hours % 24;
	my $days=($hours - $rem_hours) / 24;
	my $rem_days=$days % 7;
	my $weeks=($days - $rem_days) / 7;

	my $hr_time;
	if ( $seconds < 1 )
		$hr_time=$float ? "0.${float}s" : "0s";
		$hr_time=sprintf("%01d", $seconds);
		if ( $float > 0 ) { $hr_time.=".".$float."s"; }
		else { $hr_time.="s"; }
	if ( $rem_min > 0 )
		$hr_time=~s/ sec.$/s/;
		$hr_time=sprintf("%01d", $rem_min)."m $hr_time";
	elsif (($hours > 0) || ($days > 0) || ($weeks > 0))
		$hr_time="0m $hr_time";
	if ( $rem_hours > 0 )
		$hr_time=sprintf("%01d", $rem_hours)."h $hr_time";
	elsif (($days > 0) || ($weeks > 0))
		$hr_time="0h $hr_time";
	if ( $days > 0 )
		$hr_time=sprintf("%01d", $rem_days)."d $hr_time";
	elsif ($weeks > 0)
		$hr_time="0d $hr_time";
	if ( $weeks > 0 )
		$hr_time=$weeks."w $hr_time";
	$hr_time=$sign ? $sign.$hr_time : $hr_time;
	return ($hr_time);

# Takes a raw number of bytes (whole integer).
sub bytes_to_hr
	my $self=shift;
	my $param=shift;
	return undef if not defined $param;
	# This just makes the code more consistent.
	my $an=$self->parent;
	# Clear any prior errors as I may set one here.
	# Now see if the user passed the values in a hash reference or
	# directly.
	my $size=0;
	if (ref($param) eq "HASH")
		# Values passed in a hash, good.
		$size=$param->{'bytes'} ? $param->{'bytes'} : 0;
		# Values passed directly.
		$size=$param ? $param : 0;
	# Expand exponential numbers.
	if ($size =~ /(\d+)e\+(\d+)/)
		my $base=$1;
		my $exp=$2;
		for (1..$exp) { $size.="0"; }
	# Setup my variables.
	my $suffix="";
	my $hr_size=$size;
	# Store and strip the sign
	my $sign="";
	if ( $hr_size =~ /^-/ )
	# Die if either the 'time' or 'float' has a non-digit character in it.	
	if ($hr_size=~/\D/)
			fatal	=>	1,
			title	=>	"Illegal value in 'AN::Tools::Readable->bytes_to_hr()'",
			message	=>	"The passed byte size: [$size] contains an illegal value. Byte sizes can only be signed integers. It may also have commas in it which will be removed automatically.",
			code	=>	6,
			file	=>	"$THIS_FILE",
			line	=>	__LINE__
		# Return nothing in case the user is blocking fatal
		# errors.
		return (undef);
	# Do the math.
	if ($an->Readable->base2)
		if ( $hr_size >= (2 ** 80) )
			# Yebibyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.3f", ($hr_size /= (2 ** 80)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (2 ** 70) )
			# Zebibyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.3f", ($hr_size /= (2 ** 70)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (2 ** 60) )
			# Exbibyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.3f", ($hr_size /= (2 ** 60)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (2 ** 50) )
			# Pebibyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.3f", ($hr_size /= (2 ** 50)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (2 ** 40) )
			# Tebibyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.2f", ($hr_size /= (2 ** 40)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (2 ** 30) )
			# Gibibyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.2f", ($hr_size /= (2 ** 30)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (2 ** 20) )
			# Mebibyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.2f", ($hr_size /= (2 ** 20)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (2 ** 10) )
			# Kibibyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.1f", ($hr_size /= (2 ** 10)));
		if ( $hr_size >= (10 ** 24) )
			# Yottabyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.3f", ($hr_size /= (10 ** 24)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (10 ** 21) )
			# Zettabyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.3f", ($hr_size /= (10 ** 21)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (10 ** 18) )
			# Exabyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.3f", ($hr_size /= (10 ** 18)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (10 ** 15) )
			# Petabyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.3f", ($hr_size /= (10 ** 15)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (10 ** 12) )
			# Terabyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.2f", ($hr_size /= (10 ** 12)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (10 ** 9) )
			# Gigabyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.2f", ($hr_size /= (10 ** 9)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (10 ** 6) )
			# Megabyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.2f", ($hr_size /= (10 ** 6)));
		elsif ( $hr_size >= (10 ** 3) )
			# Kilobyte
			$hr_size=sprintf("%.1f", ($hr_size /= (10 ** 3)));
	# Restore the sign.
	if ( $sign eq "-" )

# This takes a "human readable" size with an ISO suffix and converts it back to
# a base byte size as accurately as possible.
sub hr_to_bytes
	my $self=shift;
	my $param=shift;
	return undef if not defined $param;
	# This just makes the code more consistent.
	my $an=$self->parent;
	# Clear any prior errors as I may set one here.
	# Now see if the user passed the values in a hash reference or
	# directly.
	my $size=0;
	my $type="";
	if (ref($param) eq "HASH")
		# Values passed in a hash, good.
		$size=$param->{size} ? $param->{size} : 0;
		$type=$param->{type} ? $param->{type} : 0;
		# Values passed directly.
		$size=$param ? $param : 0;
		$type=$_[0] ? shift : "";
	$size=~s/ //g;
	$type=~s/ //g;
	# Store and strip the sign
	my $sign="";
	if ( $size =~ /^-/ )
	# If I don't have a passed type, see if there is a letter or letters
	# after the size to hack off.
	if ((not $type) && ($size=~/[a-zA-Z]$/))
		($size, $type)=($size=~/^(.*\d)(\D+)/);
	# Make sure that 'size' is now an integer or float.
	if ($size !~ /\d+[\.\d+]?/)
			fatal	=>	1,
			title	=>	"Illegal value in 'AN::Tools::Readable->hr_to_bytes()'",
			message	=>	"The passed byte size: [$size] in the string: [sign: $sign, size: $size, type: $type] contains an illegal value. Sizes can only be integers or real numbers. It may also have commas in it which will be removed automatically.",
			code	=>	7,
			file	=>	"$THIS_FILE",
			line	=>	__LINE__
		# Return nothing in case the user is blocking fatal
		# errors.
		return (undef);
	# If 'type' is still blank, set it to 'b'.
	$type="b" if not $type;
	# If the type is already bytes, make sure the size is an integer and
	# return.
	if ( $type eq "b" )
		if ($size=~/\D/)
				fatal	=>	1,
				title	=>	"Illegal value in 'AN::Tools::Readable->hr_to_bytes()'",
				message	=>	"The passed byte size: [$size] in the string: [sign: $sign, size: $size, type: $type] appears to be a byte size already but the size does not seem to be an integer. Byte sizes can only be signed integers. It may also have commas in it which will be removed automatically.",
				code	=>	8,
				file	=>	"$THIS_FILE",
				line	=>	__LINE__
		return ($sign.$size);
	# If the "type" is "Xib", make sure we're running in Base2 notation.
	# Conversly, if the type is "Xb", make sure that we're running in
	# Base10 notation. In either case, shorten the 'type' to just the first
	# letter to make the next sanity check simpler.
	my $prior_base2=$an->Readable->base2();
	if ($type =~ /^(\w)ib$/)
		# Make sure we're running in Base2.
	elsif ($type =~ /^(\w)b$/)
		# Make sure we're running in Base2.
	# Check if we have a valid '$type' and that 'Math::BigInt' is loaded,
	# if the size is big enough to require it.
	if (( $type eq "p" ) || ( $type eq "e" ) || ( $type eq "z" ) || ( $type eq "y" ))
		# If this is a big size needing "Math::BigInt", check if it's loaded
		# yet and load it, if not.
		if (not $an->_math_bigint_loaded)
	elsif (( $type ne "t" ) && ( $type ne "g" ) && ( $type ne "m" ) && ( $type ne "k" ))
		# If we're here, we didn't match one of the large sizes or any
		# of the other sizes, so die.
			fatal	=>	1,
			title	=>	"'AN::Tools::Readable->hr_to_bytes()' was not able to parse a valid size type.",
			message	=>	"The passed: [size: $size, type: $type] is not recognized. Either an invalid size type was passed or I failed to properly parse the size type. Valid size types are: 'b', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 'p', 'e', 'z' or 'y'.",
			code	=>	10,
			file	=>	"$THIS_FILE",
			line	=>	__LINE__
		# Return nothing in case the user is blocking fatal
		# errors.
		return (undef);
	# Now the magic... lame magic, true, but still.
	my $bytes;
	if ($an->Readable->base2)
		if ( $type eq "y" ) { $bytes=Math::BigInt->new('2')->bpow('80')->bmul($size); }		# Yobibyte
		elsif ( $type eq "z" ) { $bytes=Math::BigInt->new('2')->bpow('70')->bmul($size); }	# Zibibyte
		elsif ( $type eq "e" ) { $bytes=Math::BigInt->new('2')->bpow('60')->bmul($size); }	# Exbibyte
		elsif ( $type eq "p" ) { $bytes=Math::BigInt->new('2')->bpow('50')->bmul($size); }	# Pebibyte
		elsif ( $type eq "t" ) { $bytes=($size*(2**40)) }					# Tebibyte
		elsif ( $type eq "g" ) { $bytes=($size*(2**30)) }					# Gibibyte
		elsif ( $type eq "m" ) { $bytes=($size*(2**20)) }					# Mebibyte
		elsif ( $type eq "k" ) { $bytes=($size*(2**10)) }					# Kibibyte
		if ( $type eq "y" ) { $bytes=Math::BigInt->new('10')->bpow('24')->bmul($size); }	# Yottabyte
		elsif ( $type eq "z" ) { $bytes=Math::BigInt->new('10')->bpow('21')->bmul($size); }	# Zettabyte
		elsif ( $type eq "e" ) { $bytes=Math::BigInt->new('10')->bpow('18')->bmul($size); }	# Exabyte
		elsif ( $type eq "p" ) { $bytes=Math::BigInt->new('10')->bpow('15')->bmul($size); }	# Petabyte
		elsif ( $type eq "t" ) { $bytes=($size*(10**12)) }					# Terabyte
		elsif ( $type eq "g" ) { $bytes=($size*(10**9)) }					# Gigabyte
		elsif ( $type eq "m" ) { $bytes=($size*(10**6)) }					# Megabyte
		elsif ( $type eq "k" ) { $bytes=($size*(10**3)) }					# Kilobyte
	# Last, round off the byte size if it's a float.
	if ( $bytes =~ /\./ )
			number => $bytes,
			places => 0
	# Switch the base2() method back in case it was changed.
	return ($sign.$bytes);



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