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 AN!Wiki :: Striker

Striker is the Anvil! dashboard and node monitoring software.

  • The Dashboard loads onto monitoring devices and is used to control one or more Anvil! clusters and it's servers.
  • The Monitor loads onto Anvil! nodes and monitors an individual node's hardware, it's view of the cluster software and shared foundation pack devices.


To come later

Install Striker


  • A machine with two wired network interfaces, one to the BCN and one to the IFN.
  • RHEL, CentOS or similar version 6.x (6.5 or higher recommended).
    • Minimal install is sufficient, provided you install perl.
    • The installer will install everything else it needs.
yum install perl
<yum output>

This install document will be using a fresh, minimal install of CentOS 6.5.

Getting the Install Script

The Striker installer needs to be downloaded. To account for minimal installs where wget is not available, we'll use curl instead which is always available.

curl > striker-installer
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 96104  100 96104    0     0   148k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  318k
chmod 755 striker-installer
ls -lah ./striker-installer
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 94K Sep  1 17:55 ./striker-installer

Using the Install Script

The install script works by taking command line switches. You can get a better explanation of the switches by running ./striker-installer -h .

The Striker installer configures the system as well as load the striker software. So we're going to tell it what host name, IP addresses and credentials to use.

In this tutorial, I am building a new Striker dashboard machine I will call I will be setting the following values:

Parameter Switch Value Description
Back-Channel Network -b Sets the BCN IP address and subnet mask.
Internet-Facing Network -i,dg=,dns1=,dns2= Sets the IFN IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and DNS servers.
Host name -n Sets the host name of the Striker dashboard machine.
Dashboard Owner -c Alteeve's Niche! This sets the name used on the password prompt when connecting to the dashboard. It reflects the owner/manager of the dashboard and is usually a company or organization name.
Email server user and password -e secret password This is the email account user name and password that will be used later when sending alert emails from nodes.
Mail server details -m This is the mail server address and port that will be used later when sending alert emails from nodes. It is against this server that the user name and password defined in -e will be used.
Striker user and password -u admin:another secret password This sets the user name and password that users will use when connecting to the dashboard.
Note: The password defined here will be used to set the root user's password on the Striker dashboard itself. If you want these passwords to be different, please be sure to change it when the installer finished running.
Note: If you have already configured the network, please skip the -b and -i switches. If you have already configured the host name, please skip the -n switch.
Note: This is a standard bash call, so please be sure to quote anything with spaces and to escape special characters like !.

Knowing this, the installer command will be:

./striker-installer \
  -b \
  -i,dg=,dns1=,dns2= \
  -n \
  -c "Alteeve's Niche\!" \
  -e " secret password" \
  -m \
  -u "admin:another secret password"

Running the installer

We're specifying -b and -i, so the installer won't be totally autonomous. It will pause to prompt us to unplug the network cable going to the physical interface that we want to make the Back-Channel Network and the Internet-Facing Network links. Once the mapping of the interfaces is confirmed, the installer will finish running without further input.

./striker-installer \
  -b \
  -i,dg=,dns1=,dns2= \
  -n \
  -c "Alteeve's Niche\!" \
  -e " secret password" \
  -m \
  -u "admin:another secret password"
 #   ___ _       _ _                                    The Anvil! Dashboard  #
 #  / __| |_ _ _(_) |_____ _ _                                 -=] Installer  #
 #  \__ \  _| '_| | / / -_) '_|                                               #
 #  |___/\__|_| |_|_\_\___|_|                                                 #
 #                                      #

[ Note ] - No specific version requested, will install: [1.1.5]
Sanity checks complete.

Checking the operating system to ensure it is compatible.
- We're on a RHEL (based) OS, good. Checking version.
- Looks good! You're on: [6.5]

Backing up some network related system files.
- The backup directory: [/root/anvil] doesn't exist, creting it.
- Backup directory successfully created.
- Backing up: [/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules]
- It exists, backing it up.
- Copying: [/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules] to: [/root/anvil/]
- Backing up: [/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts]
- Copying: [/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts] to: [/root/anvil/]

Making sure all network interfaces are up.
- The network interface: [eth1] is down. It must be started for the next stage.
- Checking if: [/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1] exists.
- Config file exists, changing BOOTPROTO to 'none'.
- Attempting to bring up: [eth1]...
- Checking to see if it is up now.
- The interface: [eth1] is now up!

-=] Configuring network to enable access to Anvil! systems.

Beginning NIC identification...
- Please unplug the interface you want to make:
- [Back-Channel Network, Link 1]
Note: If you are running the installer over the network, you will not see any output when you unplug the active cable. That is ok, just wait a second and then plug it back in.

Unplug the network cable going to the physical interface that you want to use to connect to the BCN.

- NIC with MAC: [02:0c:9d:02:a0:9e] will become: [bcn-link1]
- (it is currently: [eth1])
- Please plug in all network cables to proceed.

Now plug it back in again.

- Please unplug the interface you want to make:
- [Internet-Facing Network, Link 1]

As before, unplug the cable going to the interface you want to use to connect to the IFN.

- NIC with MAC: [10:bf:48:24:69:2e] will become: [ifn-link1]
- (it is currently: [eth0])
- Please plug in all network cables to proceed.

Plug it back in again.

Note: The network configuration will be updated, but the in-use configuration will not change until the Striker machine is rebooted.

If you are happy with how the network will be reconfigured, press <enter>. If you want to try again, simply type n and then press <enter>.

Here is what you selected:
- Interface: [02:0C:9D:02:A0:9E], currently named: [eth1],
- will be renamed to: [bcn-link1]
- Interface: [10:BF:48:24:69:2E], currently named: [eth0],
- will be renamed to: [ifn-link1]

The Back-Channel Network interface will be set to:
- IP:      []
- Netmask: []

The Internet-Facing Network interface will be set to:
- IP:      []
- Netmask: []
- Gateway: []
- DNS1:    []
- DNS2:    []

Shall I proceed? [Y/n]

Looks good, so we will proceed.

This is a good time to go make a coffee, it might take a little while to finish, particularly if this is a fresh minimal install. The installer will run OS updates as well as install all needed packages.

Note: During the install of packages, it might appear that the installer has hung. Please be patient! Buffering causes output to not be shown for a while. It is extremely unlikely that the installer has hung, and waiting is usually all that is needed.


The monitor application is based around a "Striker API". The monitor itself acts as a daemon that calls scanner agents it finds inn the cgi-bin/scan.d directory.


Any questions, feedback, advice, complaints or meanderings are welcome.
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legal stuff: All info is provided "As-Is". Do not use anything here unless you are willing and able to take responsibility for your own actions.