DBus Type Codes

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 AN!Tools :: Net::DBus Binding Tutorial :: DBus Type Codes

DBus Type Codes

Type         | Decimal (ASCII) Code  | Description
INVALID      | 0   (ASCII NUL)       | Not a valid type code, used to terminate signatures
BYTE         | 121 (ASCII 'y')       | 8-bit unsigned integer
BOOLEAN      | 98  (ASCII 'b')       | Boolean value, 0 is FALSE and 1 is TRUE. Everything else is invalid.
INT16        | 110 (ASCII 'n')       | 16-bit signed integer
UINT16       | 113 (ASCII 'q')       | 16-bit unsigned integer
INT32        | 105 (ASCII 'i')       | 32-bit signed integer
UINT32       | 117 (ASCII 'u')       | 32-bit unsigned integer
INT64        | 120 (ASCII 'x')       | 64-bit signed integer
UINT64       | 116 (ASCII 't')       | 64-bit unsigned integer
DOUBLE       | 100 (ASCII 'd')       | IEEE 754 double
STRING       | 115 (ASCII 's')       | UTF-8 string (must be valid UTF-8).
             |                       | Must be nul terminated and contain no other nul bytes.
OBJECT_PATH  | 111 (ASCII 'o')       | Name of an object instance
SIGNATURE    | 103 (ASCII 'g')       | A type signature
ARRAY        | 97  (ASCII 'a')       | Array
STRUCT       | 114 (ASCII 'r'),      | Structure
             | 40  (ASCII '('),      |
             | 41  (ASCII ')')       |
VARIANT      | 118 (ASCII 'v')       | Variant type (the type of the value is part of the value itself)
DICT_ENTRY   | 101 (ASCII 'e'),      | Entry in a dict or map (array of key-value pairs)
             | 123 (ASCII '{'),      |
             | 125 (ASCII '}')       |


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