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 Alteeve Wiki :: Digimer

Digi, in a tree!
Digi, being a mer.
Digi, by a fire.
My digital persona, done by HelloHeath. :)


Digimer is the main person behind AN!Wiki.


I've been a geek since I was a wee one and skipped church to play on my friend's shiny new C= 64.

And now?

Today, I design and develop programs for high-availability clusters, called Anvil! systems. That and admin systems (can I say I am a sysop or would that show my age?). Specifically, I program in Perl. It's a sufficiently bent language that I feel right at home with it.

With Whom?

I am lead developer and co-founder of Alteeve's Niche! Inc., a Toronto, Canada based company that makes totally open source, high-availability clusters. You don't have to buy our cluster though; we've written a tutorial showing you how you can build the same thing yourself!


If you want to know more about me, fire me an email (look below). I can't promise deep conversation but hey, I love (actual) email as much as the next person.

CV (That's Latin!)

Digimer is one of the founders of Alteeve's Niche! Inc., and is thus gainfully employed and not looking for work. If you want to hire her, buy an Anvil!. :D


pub   4096R/70A0FE88 2012-07-16
      Key fingerprint = 5CF5 68EF 8C91 C346 E2CC  C05B 92F5 47B4 70A0 FE88
uid                  Madison Kelly (Lead Engineer, Alteeve's Niche!) <mkelly@alteeve.ca>

Awesome Sagan Moment

This man is one of my heros. Image by [Thomas H. Buchanan http://www.pictorialartsjournal.com].

Carl Sagan Tribute

This amazing tribute series was created by Callum C. J. Sutherland

[playlist was removed, sad trombone]


Any questions, feedback, advice, complaints or meanderings are welcome.
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