Source AN::Tools::Alert

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 AN!Tools :: AN::Tools :: Source AN::Tools::Alert

package AN::Tools::Alert;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION="0.1.001";
my $THIS_FILE="";

sub new
	my $class=shift;
	my $self={
		ERROR_CODE	=>	0,
	bless $self, $class;
	return ($self);

# Get a handle on the AN::Tools object. I know that technically that is a
# sibling module, but it makes more sense in this case to think of it as a
# parent.
sub parent
	my $self=shift;
	my $parent=shift;
	$self->{HANDLE}{TOOLS}=$parent if $parent;
	return ($self->{HANDLE}{TOOLS});

# Later, this will support all the translation and logging methods. For now,
# just print the error and exit;
sub error
	my $self=shift;
	my $param=shift;
	# Clear any prior errors.
	my $an=$self->parent;
	# Setup default values
	my $fatal=1;
	my $title="";
	my $message="";
	my $code=1;
	my $file="";
	my $line=0;
	# See if I am getting parameters is a hash reference or directly as
	# element arrays.
	if (ref($param))
		# Called via a hash ref, good.
		$fatal  =$param->{fatal}   ? $param->{fatal}   : 1;
		$title  =$param->{title}   ? $param->{title}   : "no title";
		$message=$param->{message} ? $param->{message} : "no message";
		$code   =$param->{code}    ? $param->{code}    : 1;
		$file	=$param->{file}    ? $param->{file}    : "unknown file";
		$line	=$param->{line}    ? $param->{line}    : 0;
		# Called directly.
		$fatal  =$param;
		$title  =shift;
		$code   =shift;
		$file	=shift;
		$line	=shift;
	# Set my error string
	my $heading=$fatal ? "Fatal Error" : "Non-Fatal Error";
	my $error="-=] $code - $heading [=-\n";
	$error.="-=] In file: [$file], at line: [".$an->Readable->comma($line)."].\n";
	$error.="-=] $title [=-\n";
	if ($fatal)
		# Don't append this unless I really am exiting.
	if ($self->no_fatal_errors == 0)
		print "$error\n" if not $self->no_fatal_errors;
	return ($code);

# This un/sets the prevention of errors being fatal.
sub no_fatal_errors
	my $self=shift;
	my $param=shift;
	# Have to check if defined because '0' is valid.
	if (defined $param->{set})
		$self->{NO_FATAL_ERRORS}=$param->{set} if (($param->{set} == 0) || ($param->{set} == 1));
	return ($self->{NO_FATAL_ERRORS});

# This returns an error message if one is set.
sub _error_string
	my $self=shift;
	return $self->{ERROR_STRING};

# This returns an error code if one is set.
sub _error_code
	my $self=shift;
	return $self->{ERROR_CODE};

# This simply sets the error string method. Calling this method with an empty
# but defined string will clear the error message.
sub _set_error
	my $self=shift;
	my $error=shift;
	# This is a bit of a cheat, but it saves a call when a method calls
	# this just to clear the error message.
	if ($error)
	return $self->{ERROR_STRING};

# This simply sets the error code method. Calling this method with an empty
# but defined string will clear the error code.
sub _set_error_code
	my $self=shift;
	my $error=shift;
	$self->{ERROR_CODE}=$error ? $error : "";
	return $self->{ERROR_CODE};

# This will handle cleanup prior to exit.
sub _nice_exit
	my $self=shift;
	my $error_code=$_[0] ? shift : 1;
	exit ($error_code);



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