Source AN::Tools::Math

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 AN!Tools :: AN::Tools :: Source AN::Tools::Math

package AN::Tools::Math;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION="0.1.001";
my $THIS_FILE="";

sub new
	my $class=shift;
	my $self={};
	bless $self, $class;
	return ($self);

# Get a handle on the AN::Tools object. I know that technically that is a
# sibling module, but it makes more sense in this case to think of it as a
# parent.
sub parent
	my $self=shift;
	my $parent=shift;
	$self->{HANDLE}{TOOLS}=$parent if $parent;
	return ($self->{HANDLE}{TOOLS});

# This takes a number and rounds it to a given number of places after the
# decimal (defaulting to an even integer). This does financial-type rounding.
### MADI: Does this handle "x.95" type rounding properly?
sub round
	my $self=shift;
	my $param=shift;
	# This just makes the code more consistent.
	my $an=$self->parent;
	# Clear any prior errors as I may set one here.
	# Setup my numbers.
	my $num=0;
	my $places=0;
	# Now see if the user passed the values in a hash reference or
	# directly.
	if (ref($param) eq "HASH")
		# Values passed in a hash, good.
		$num=$param->{number} ? $param->{number} : 0;
		$places=$param->{places} ? $param->{places} : 0;
		# Values passed directly.
		$places=defined $_[0] ? shift : 0;
	# Make a copy of the passed number that I can manipulate.
	my $rounded_num=$num;
	# Take out any commas.
	# If there is a decimal place in the number, do the smart math.
	# Otherwise, just pad the number with the requested number of zeros
	# after the decimal place.
	if ( $rounded_num =~ /\./ )
		# Split up the number.
		my ($real, $decimal)=split/\./, $rounded_num, 2;
		# If there is anything other than one ',' and digits, error.
		if (($real=~/\D/) || ($decimal=~/\D/))
				fatal	=>	1,
				title	=>	"Illegal value in 'AN::Tools::Math->round()'",
				message	=>	"The passed real number: [$num] contains an illegal value. Only digits and one decimal place are allowed in the real number being rounded.",
				code	=>	2,
				file	=>	"$THIS_FILE",
				line	=>	__LINE__
			# Return nothing in case the user is blocking fatal
			# errors.
			return (undef);
		# If the number is already equal to the requested number of
		# places after the decimal, just return. If it's less, pad the
		# needed number of zeros. Otherwise, start rounding.
		if ( length($decimal) == $places )
			# Equal, return.
			return $rounded_num;
		elsif ( length($decimal) < $places )
			# Less, pad.
			$rounded_num=sprintf("%.${places}f", $rounded_num);
			# Greater than; I need to round the number. Start by
			# getting the number of places I need to round.
			my $round_diff=length($decimal)-$places;
			# This keeps track of whether the next (left) digit
			# needs to be incremented.
			my $increase=0;
			# Now loop the number of times needed to round to the
			# requested number of places.
			for (1..$round_diff)
				# Reset 'increase'.
				# Make sure I am dealing with a digit.
				if ( $decimal =~ /(\d)$/ )
					my $last_digit=$1;
					if ( $last_digit > 4 )
						if ( $decimal eq "" )
			if ( $places == 0 )
		# This is a whole number so just pad 0s as needed.
		$rounded_num=sprintf("%.${places}f", $rounded_num);
	# Return the number.
	return ($rounded_num);



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