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 AN!Tools :: Filesystems :: VLIR

See: http://members.tripod.com/~petlibrary/GEOS.HTM

From: http://web.mit.edu/randy/www/antigrav/filexferwgeos.htm

Take a look at the simplified diagram of the structure of a GEOS VLIR file. VLIR stands for Variable Length Indexed Record. It consists of multiple segments, called records, which can be of any length. One block is called an index. The index is a table of pointers to the records. There is also the info block and the time/date data following the directory entry. The only part of this file Commodore DOS is able to locate from the directory entry is the index block. If you use the same telecommunications software to send this file, you're in for a big disappointment. It'll only transmit one block, the index block.

From: http://mail.milwaukeelug.org/wws/arc/mlug-list/2006-06/msg00086.html (Post by Glenn Holmer <gholmer AT weycogroup.com>)

It was GEOS; GeoWorks Ensemble was their failed attempt at a PC product. But it was truly ahead of its time; the filesystem had the equivalent of a data fork and a resource fork, and files were recognized by a permanent name string rather than a file extension (something that most modern operating systems don't do well even today). It had VLIR files (variable-length indexed record), which held up to 127 discrete sector chains. Each chain could store a page of a word processing document or an overlay of a program file, for example.


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