Configuring Hardware RAID Arrays on Fujitsu Primergy

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 AN!Wiki :: How To :: Configuring Hardware RAID Arrays on Fujitsu Primergy

This mini-tutorial is meant to walk you through the process of configuring hardware RAID arrays on Fujitsu Primergy servers using LSI-based controllers.

This is not designed to be an extensive tutorial.

It is meant to be a "quick-start" guide to help you get under way with building an [[Anvil!].

If you plan to use encryption, please review this tutorial first:

Building a RAID Array

I know, I have no idea why it's called a "web" BIOS either.

Booting into the WebBIOS

Fujitsu S8 - BIOS - LSI boot prompt

After the main system BIOS is done booting, you will see the hardware RAID controller BIOS start up.

It can take a minute, and this is normal.

Once started, the controller will scan for attached drives and then present an option to press '<ctrl> + <h>' to enter the "WebBIOS". Do so.

Selecting a Controller

LSI WebBIOS controller selection

The first screen you will see is one that asks you to choose which adapter you want to configure.

Most machines have only one adapter installed, so there is nothing to choose, really.

Press 'Start'.

Building an Array

LSI WebBIOS main page

Here we see a controller with eight 136.2 GiB (146 GB) hard drives. Your array will almost certainly be different, but the general look will be the same.

To build the array, click on "Configuration Wizard" on the left panel.

LSI WebBIOS configuration wizard

This is a new array and there is no existing configuration, so both "New Configuration" and "Add Configuration" will do the same thing.

The difference is that, if there was an existing array, "New Configuration" would delete it where "Add Configuration" would let you build a second (or third or ...) array.

In our case, we'll choose "New Configuration" and then click on 'Next'.

LSI WebBIOS new configuration warning

You are warned that this will erase any existing arrays. In our case that is OK, so we'll click 'Yes'


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