Configuring Hardware RAID Arrays on Fujitsu Primergy

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 AN!Wiki :: How To :: Configuring Hardware RAID Arrays on Fujitsu Primergy

This mini-tutorial is meant to walk you through the process of configuring hardware RAID arrays on Fujitsu Primergy servers using LSI-based controllers.

This is not designed to be an extensive tutorial.

It is meant to be a "quick-start" guide to help you get under way with building an Anvil!. It is part of the "Anvil! m2 Tutorial".

This covers two LSI types;

  • MegaRAID Configuration Utility
  • WebBIOS

The former is used on the Mx generations and the later from the Sx generation servers.

MegaRAID Configuration Utility

Building a RAID Array

Booting in the MegaRAID Configuration Utility

Fujitsu M1 - BIOS - EP420i boot prompt

After the main system BIOS is done booting, you will see the hardware RAID controller BIOS start up.

It can take a minute, and this is normal.

Once started, the controller will scan for attached drives and then present an option to press 'ctrl + R' to enter the "MegaRAID Configuration Utility". Do so.


Building a RAID Array

I know, I have no idea why it's called a "web" BIOS either.


If you plan to use encryption, please review this tutorial first:

Booting into the WebBIOS

Fujitsu S8 - BIOS - LSI boot prompt

After the main system BIOS is done booting, you will see the hardware RAID controller BIOS start up.

It can take a minute, and this is normal.

Once started, the controller will scan for attached drives and then present an option to press '<ctrl> + <h>' to enter the "WebBIOS". Do so.

Selecting a Controller

LSI WebBIOS controller selection

The first screen you will see is one that asks you to choose which adapter you want to configure.

Most machines have only one adapter installed, so there is nothing to choose, really.

Press 'Start'.

Building an Array

LSI WebBIOS main page

Here we see a controller with eight 136.2 GiB (146 GB) hard drives. Your array will almost certainly be different, but the general look will be the same.

To build the array, click on "Configuration Wizard" on the left panel.

New Configuration

LSI WebBIOS configuration wizard

This is a new array and there is no existing configuration, so both "New Configuration" and "Add Configuration" will do the same thing.

The difference is that, if there was an existing array, "New Configuration" would delete it where "Add Configuration" would let you build a second (or third or ...) array.

In our case, we'll choose "New Configuration" and then click on 'Next'.

LSI WebBIOS new configuration warning

You are warned that this will erase any existing arrays. In our case that is OK, so we'll click 'Yes'

Manual Configuration

LSI WebBIOS manual or automatic array assembly prompt

To make life easier, the controller gives you the option of performing an "Automatic Configuration", but we're control freaks.

So we're going to select "Manual Configuration" and the click on 'Next'.

Drive Group

LSI WebBIOS Drive group menu

We need to first create a "Drive group", which is the set of drives we want to assemble into an array.

We're going to use all disks to create a single RAID level 5 array.

Note: We normally would not use RAID level 5 alone, but because the Anvil! mirrors the data across both nodes, we end up with, effectively, RAID level 51.
LSI WebBIOS Drive group menu - Drives selected

To create a drive group, click on the first drive in the list ("Slot: 0, SAS, HDD, 136.218 GB" in the screen shot above), wait a moment and it will be highlighted in blue.

Then press and hold the '<ctrl>' key and then click on the rest of the drives.

LSI WebBIOS Drive group menu - Accept drive group

Once all drives are highlighted, click the 'Add to Array' button.

Now all the drives will be shown in the right-side "Drive Groups" window.

LSI WebBIOS Drive group menu - Accept drive group

Click on 'Accept DG' to create the drive group.

The page will reload but now the "Accept DG" button is gone, which is good.

Click 'Next' to proceed.

Create SPAN

LSI WebBIOS Drive group menu - Span definition

The next page allows us to create "SPAN" (combining two RAID arrays into one combined array, like a mirror of RAID 5 arrays to create a '15' array). We don't need a combined array, so we will create a "SPAN" of just the one array.

LSI WebBIOS Drive group menu - Add to SPAN

Click on the "Add to SPAN" and then click 'Next'.

Create the Array

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition

Now we configure the array itself!

By default, the controller suggests RAID level 6. If this was a single-server setup, that would be perfectly sensible.

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - Set RAID level 5

We're mirroring our data across two nodes though, so we can live a little more dangerously and select RAID level 5.

Click on the "RAID Level" select box and change the value to 'RAID 5'

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - Enable Write-Back Caching with good BBU

We have a Flash Backup module on our controller that allows us to safely use write-back caching.

The provides a significant performance boost, but it is only safe to use when the flash unit is working. In the past, these was a battery and was called a "Battery Backup Unit" (BBU).

So we can safely click on the "Write Policy" selection box and change the value to "Write Back with BBU".

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - Update size

Next, click on the "Update Size" button and the controller will automatically fill out the "Select Size" text field.

Now, click "Accept" to create the array!

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - BBU warning

The controller, being ever diligent and terrifying, will warn you about the risks of using write-back caching only when the BBU is healthy.

It notes, rightly, that the performance will degrade should the BBU (well, "FBU" in our case) ever fail. As much as we'd not want to lose performance, this is the only safe option.

Click on 'Yes' to continue.

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - Finished!

After the warning, it takes us back to the "Virtual Drive Definition" window, but now we see our new array in the right-side "Virtual Drives" window.

Click on 'Next' to finish.

Finishing up

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - Preview the finished array

We are taken back to the "Virtual Drives" window and our new array is shown.

Click on "Accept".

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - Save configuration

Never one to miss an opportunity to ask a question; We're asked if we want to save the configuration.

Press 'Yes'.

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - Initialize the array

Oh look, another question!

Press 'Yes'.

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - Set boot drive

Now we define the array to boot off of.

We only have one array, so this step is arguably not needed. However, should new drives be added in the future and a second array created, this will prevent problems.

Click to select the "Set Boot Drive (current=NONE)" radio button and then click on 'Go'.

Note: If you get an error saying "Must wait for current operation to complete", then don't worry about setting the boot device. You can come into the WebBIOS and set it later.
LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - Boot drive '0'

Now that the boot drive is set to '0', we're done!

Click on 'Home' to return to the main menu.

LSI WebBIOS Virtual Drive definition - Main page with the new array

Now we see our shiny new array!

Click on 'Exit', then click 'Yes' and then reboot your machine.


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