Fence na.lib

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 Node Assassin :: Fence na.lib

This is the fence agent's function library that exists in /etc/na/.

# This is the function library for the Node Assassin fence agent.
# Node Assassin - Fence Agent
# Digimer; digimer@alteeve.com
# Apr. 06, 2010.
# Version: 1.1.4

# This connects to a Node Assassin and puts the handle in '$conf->{'system'}{handle}.
sub connect_to_na
	my ($conf, $log)=@_;
	$conf->{na}{handle}=new Net::Telnet(
		Timeout	=>	10,
		Errmode	=>	'die',
		Port	=>	$conf->{na}{tcp_port},
		Prompt	=>	'/EOM$/',
		Errmode	=>	'return'
	) or do_exit($conf, $log, 1);
	if ($conf->{na}{handle}->errmsg)
		record($conf, $log, "Connection to Node Assassin: [$conf->{na}{ipaddr}] failed.\nError was: [".$conf->{na}{handle}->errmsg."]\n");
# 	record ($conf, $log, "na::handle: [$conf->{na}{handle}]\n");
	return ($conf->{na}{handle});

# This handles the actual execution of the action plan.
sub do_actions
	my ($conf, $log)=@_;
	# In the next step, when a 'check' is seen, the port is analyzed and an exit
	# status is stored here. Exits 0, 1 and 2 have special meaning, so I default to
	# 9.
	my $exit_code=9;
	# Process the orders.
	foreach my $order (split/,/, $conf->{'system'}{call_order})
# 		record($conf, $log, "Calling: [$order]\n");
		# Handle a 'release_all' call.
		if ($order eq "release_all")
			set_all_state($conf, $log, 0);
		# Handle a 'fence_all' call.
		if ($order eq "fence_all")
			set_all_state($conf, $log, 1);
		# handle a sleep request.
		if ($order=~/^sleep/)
			my $time=$order=~/sleep (\d+)/ ? $1 : 1;
			record ($conf, $log, "Sleeping: $time, ");
			if ($time == 1)
				sleep 1;
				record ($conf, $log, "Done.\n");
				while ($time)
					sleep 1;
					record ($conf, $log, "$time, ") if $time > 1;
					record ($conf, $log, "$time. Done.\n") if $time == 1;
		# Handle a status check via Node Assassin.
# 		record($conf, $log, "order: [$order]\n");
		if ($order=~/(\d\d):(\D+)/)
			my $node=$1;
			my $check=$2;
			# Verify the state of the port.
# 			record($conf, $log, "Status check on node: [$node] -> [$check]\n");
			# Get the state.
			my $state=get_states($conf, $log);
			if ($state == 1)
				# I had a connection problem. Exit with error
				# code '1' as per:
				# http://sources.redhat.com/cluster/wiki/FenceAgentAPI
				do_exit($conf, $log, 1);
			# Make the states a bit easier to type.
			my $power_state=$state->{$node}{power_state};
			my $reset_state=$state->{$node}{reset_state};
			my $feed_state=$state->{$node}{feed_state};
			# Return the status of the requested node.
# 			record($conf, $log, "Node Assassin: [#$conf->{'system'}{na_id}/$conf->{na}{na_name}], Node: [$node] Power/Reset/Feed states: [$power_state/$reset_state/$feed_state]\n");
			if ($check eq "check")
				# Return '2' if the node is off and '0' if it
				# is on.
				$exit_code=$feed_state ? 0 : 2;
			elsif ($check eq "off")
				# 'off' was called, make sure the node is now
				# off. This may be called by 'reboot' in which
				# case 'exit_code' will simply be over-written
				# when the final 'reboot' state check is called.
				$exit_code=$feed_state ? 1 : 0;
			elsif ($check eq "on")
				# 'on' was called, make sure the node is now
				# off.
				$exit_code=$feed_state ? 0 : 1;
			elsif ($check eq "reboot")
				# Make sure that 'exit_code' was set to '0' by
				# the earlier call. We checked again to make
				# sure the node came back up, and will log an
				# error if it didn't, but we return '0' just
				# the same, as per the API.
				if (not $exit_code)
					# The power off portion worked. Check if the
					# node booted properly and record an error if
					# not.
					if (not $feed_state)
						record($conf, $log, "Node: [$node] failed to boot after a successful power off during a reboot action.\n");
						record($conf, $log, "This is a non-critical error as the node was fenced successfully but may\n");
						record($conf, $log, "indicate a hardware failure with the node or with Node Assassin itself.\n");
					# The power off portion failed, exit with '1'.
				$exit_code=$feed_state ? 0 : 1;
		# Handle a fence call.
		my @set_state=$conf->{na}{handle}->cmd("$order");
		foreach my $line (@set_state)
			chomp $line;
			next if not $line;
			record($conf, $log, "$line\n");
		record($conf, $log, "Call complete.\n");
	return ($exit_code);

# This cleanly exits the agent.
sub do_exit
	($conf, $log, $exit_status)=@_;
	$exit_status=9 if not defined $exit_status;
	$conf->{na}{handle}->close() if $conf->{na}{handle};
	$log->close() if $log;
	exit ($exit_status);

# This gets the states for the active node and returns the states in a hash
# reference.
sub get_states
	my ($conf, $log)=@_;
	# Create the hash reference to store the states in.
	my $state={};
	# Call '00:0' to get the states. If it fails, return 1 as per
	# FenceAgentAPI requirements.
	my @check_state=$conf->{na}{handle}->cmd("00:0") or return(1);
	# Loop through the output.
	foreach my $line (@check_state)
		# Chomp the newline off and then pull the port and state out.
		chomp $line;
		my ($this_node, $power_state, $reset_state, $feed_state)=($line=~/^- Node (\d+): P(\d+), R(\d+), F(\d+)$/);
		# Skip if this isn't a status line.
		next if not $this_node;
		# Convert the state to a simple on/off.
		# Store the state.
# 		record($conf, $log, "Node: [$this_node], Power State: [$state->{$this_node}{power_state}], Reset State: [$state->{$this_node}{reset_state}], Feed State: [$state->{$this_node}{feed_state}].\n");
	# Return the hash reference.
	return ($state);

# This returns the 'help' message.
sub help
	my ($conf, $log)=@_;
	my $msg=q`

	This program interfaces with one or more Node Assassin fence devices to
	set one or more nodes to one or more states.


	Arguments are read from STDIN as 'variable=value' pairs, one pair per
	new line. This is the method used by 'fenced'.

	For testing, arguments may be passed as command line arguments.
	./fence_na <options>


	This takes arguments that defined which Node Assassin to call, what
	node to work on and what action should be taken. These arguments are
	defined by the FenceAgentAPI. These actions are then translated into
	a set of Node Assassin states which then get passed to the device.


	The FenceAgentAPI refers to "ports" while the Node Assassin refers to
	"nodes". These two terms are thus used interchangably. The reason for
	the difference is that, internally, Node Assassin maps each node to
	three "ports"; The node's power and reset buttons plus the node's power

	Each node in the Node Assassin can be set to one of four states
	described in the next section. 


	Each Node Assassin port can be set to one of four states. They are:

		This will release the fence on the specified NA node's power
		and reset ports.
		This state will fence the node specified by the "port"
		argument. The fence will remain active until released. Further,
		the fence will "lock out" the node's front-panel buttons until
		the fence is released.
		This will fence the node for one second. This is meant to
		provide a mechanism to boot or initiate a clean shut down of a
		This state will fence the node for five seconds to 30 seconds,
		depending on how long it takes for the power feed to drop low.
		This is meant to provide a way to force crashed nodes to power
		off without the front-panel lock.


	Which options are valid depends on how the arguments are passed in. The
	"main" method of passing arguments is via STDIN as a series of 
	'varible=value' pairs, one per line. All arguments accepted this way
	have command-line arguments passed in via single-dashes switches. Each
	option below shows either calling method's arguments, where available.
		Prints this help message.
	-v, -V
		Prints the version of this fence agent and then the version of
		any configured, reachable Node Assassins.
		Tells this fence agent to only print critical messages.
	-a <val>, ipaddr=<val>
		Tells the fence agent which Node Assassin to use. 
		NOTE! The name or IP addresses *MUST* match a name or IP
		      address defined in '/etc/na/fence_na.conf'! Specifically,
		      it must match one of the 'node::X::ipaddr' entries where
		      'X' is the ID of the Node Assassin.
	-l <val>, login=<val>
		This is the login name used to connect to this fence agent. It
		must match the value 'system::username' in
	-p <val>, passwd=<val>
		This is the login password used to connect to this fence agent.
		It must match the value 'system::password' in
	-n <val>, port=<val>
		This tells the fence agent which node to act on. 
		NOTE! Please do not confuse this with the Node Assassin's
		      internal concept of a port.
	-o <val>, action=<val>
		This is the action (formerly 'option') to perform on the
		selected node. Valid actions and how Node Assassin implements
		them are:
			1. Checks to see if the node is already on. If it is,
			   it exits with error code 0 (success).
			2. Checks to see if the node is fenced and, if so,
			   releases it.
			3. Set's the node to state 2 (one second fence of the
			   power switch) to initiate boot.
			4. Waits one second and then checks that the node feed
			   state to ensure that the node is powered on.
			1. The node is set to state 1, Fenced. Specifically;
			2. The Node's reset pin is fenced for one second to
			   immediately disable the node.
			3. The reset pin is unfenced for one second.
			4. The power switch is fenced for five seconds and the
			   feed is checked. If it is still high, the Node
			   Assassin will wait an additional 25 seconds and
			   check the feed state again. If it is still on, an
			   error is generated and the fence agent's exit status
			   is set to 1.
			5. The reset is fenced. At this point, the node's front
			   panel buttons are disabled, preventing accidental
			   booting of the node before the fence is released.
			Note: This will do a hard reboot! Do not use when a
			      normal restart would suffice.
			1. This sets the node to state 1 (see "off" above) and
			   pauses for one second.
			2. The node is set to state 0, releasing the fence and
			   pauses for one second.
			3. The node's feed is checked to ensure that the node
			   is off.
			4. The node is set to state 2, booting the node and
			   waits one second.
			5. The node's feed is checked to see if the node is
			The associated node's power feed is checked and it's
			status is returned; 1 for on, 0 for off/disconnected.
		monitor, list
			Unknown what is to be done under these actions.
		NOTE: The following states are supported by Node Assassin only.
		      These states are not used by the 'fenced' daemon and are
		      provided here as a convenience for the user.
		      Any commands named "*_all" ignore the node value, if set.
			1. Power pin is opened (fence released)
			2. Reset pin is opened (fence released)
			All closed ports on the specified Node Assassin are
			opened (fence released).
			All nodes are set to state 2 (see "off" above).
			The power feeds of all nodes on the Node Assassin are
			checked. Any found to be off or disconnected are set to
			state 2 to initiate boot.
			The power feeds of all nodes on the Node Assassin are
			checked. Any found to be on are set to state 2 to
			initiate an ACPI-induced soft shutdown.
			The power feeds of all nodes on the Node Assassin are
			checked. Any found to be on are set to state 3. This
			state is similar to state 1 (see "off" above), except
			that the node's front-panel switches are not disabled.
	-S <path>, passwd_script=<path> (Not Implemented)
		This is the path to a script that returns the password to use
		when running this fence agent.


	To simulate how 'fenced' calls the script, create a text file called
	'args.txt' containing:
	# Test file used as input for the NA fence agent.
	Now use 'cat' the pipe the contents into the fence agent:
		cat args.txt | ./fence_na
	This will call the 'off' function against node #02 connected to the
	Node Assassin at 'ariel.alteeve.com', fencing it. Change the action
	line to 'action=on' and re-run the script again to release the fence
	and boot the node.
	To duplicate the same call using command line arguments:
		./fence_na -a motoko.alteeve.com -n 2 -l motoko -p secret -o off


	An internal pager is not implemented. You may wish to run this via
	./fence_na | less


	Apr. 6, 2010				Digimer (digimer@alteeve.com)
	print $msg;
	do_exit($conf, $log, 0);

# This error message is printed when there was a connection problem with a
# given Node Assassin.
sub no_connection_error
	my ($conf, $log, $na_id)=@_;
	record ($conf, $log, "   - ERROR: Unable to query Node Assassin: [$conf->{na}{$na_id}{na_name}]!\n");
	record ($conf, $log, "   - ERROR: Please check that it is connected, that the information in\n");
	record ($conf, $log, "   - ERROR: '/etc/na/fence_na.conf' is accurate and that the proper configuration\n");
	record ($conf, $log, "   - ERROR: has be uploaded to the device.\n");
	return (0);

# This handles the actual actions.
sub process_action
	my ($conf, $log)=@_;
	record($conf, $log, "In the 'process_action' function.\n");
	# Make this more readable.
	my $na_id=$conf->{'system'}{na_id};
	my $action=$conf->{na}{action};
	my $port=$conf->{na}{port};
# 	record($conf, $log, "na_id: [$na_id], action: [$action], port: [$port]\n");
	# The following actions require a port. Error if I don't have one.
	if ($port eq "00")
		# These are the incompatible calls.
		if (($action eq "on") || ($action eq "off") || ($action eq "reboot") || ($action eq "status"))
			record($conf, $log, "\nERROR! Action request: [$action] requires a port number! I got: [$port] which does not seem to be valid.\n\n");
			do_exit($conf, $log, 9);
	# Make sure my call order is clear.
	if ($action eq "on")
		# Release the fence, if fenced, and boot the node.
		$state=get_states($conf, $log);
		my $power_state=$state->{$port}{power_state};
		my $reset_state=$state->{$port}{reset_state};
		my $feed_state=$state->{$port}{feed_state};
		if ($feed_state)
			# Node is already running.
			record($conf, $log, "Asked to turn on node: [$port], but it's already running. Exiting with code 0.\n");
			do_exit($conf, $log, 0);
		elsif (($power_state) || ($reset_state))
			# Node was fenced, release it first.
	elsif ($action eq "off")
		# Fence the node.
	elsif ($action eq "reboot")
		# I don't do this gracefully because the API says this should
		# be an "off -> on" process, and "off" is fence...
	elsif ($action eq "status")
		# This checks the node's power feed.
	elsif (($action eq "monitor") or ($action eq "list"))
		# Not sure what to do here.
	elsif ($action eq "release")
		# Release the given node without booting it.
	elsif ($action eq "release_all")
		# Release all ports.
	elsif ($action eq "fence_all")
		# Fence all ports.
	elsif ($action eq "boot_all")
		# Boot all nodes that are off.
		$state=get_states($conf, $log);
		# Decide how, or if, to proceed based on the current state of
		# each node.
		foreach my $node (1..$conf->{na}{max_nodes})
			$node=sprintf("%02d", $node);
			my $power_state=$state->{$node}{power_state};
			my $reset_state=$state->{$node}{reset_state};
			my $feed_state=$state->{$node}{feed_state};
			if (($power_state) || ($reset_state))
				# Node was fenced, release first.
			if (not $feed_state)
				# Boot the node.
	elsif ($action eq "shutdown_all")
		# Shutdown all nodes that are on cleanly via ACPI.
		$state=get_states($conf, $log);
		# Decide how, or if, to proceed based on the current state of
		# each node.
		foreach my $node (1..$conf->{na}{max_nodes})
			$node=sprintf("%02d", $node);
			my $power_state=$state->{$node}{power_state};
			my $reset_state=$state->{$node}{reset_state};
			my $feed_state=$state->{$node}{feed_state};
			if ($feed_state)
				# Boot the node.
	elsif ($action eq "forcedown_all")
		# Shutdown all nodes that are on by holding the power button
		# until they go down.
		$state=get_states($conf, $log);
		# Decide how, or if, to proceed based on the current state of
		# each node.
		foreach my $node (1..$conf->{na}{max_nodes})
			$node=sprintf("%02d", $node);
			my $power_state=$state->{$node}{power_state};
			my $reset_state=$state->{$node}{reset_state};
			my $feed_state=$state->{$node}{feed_state};
			if ($feed_state)
				# Boot the node.
		record($conf, $log, "Unknown action request: [$action]!\n");
		do_exit($conf, $log, 9);

# Read in the config file.
sub read_conf
	my ($conf)=@_;
	$conf={} if not $conf;
	# I can't call the 'record' method here because I've not read in the
	# log file and thus don't know where to write the log to yet. Comment
	# out or delete 'print' statements before release.
	my $read=IO::Handle->new();
	my $shell_call="$conf->{'system'}{conf_file}";
# 	print "Shell call: [$shell_call]\n";
	open ($read, "<$shell_call") or die "Failed to read: [$shell_call], error was: $!\n";
	while (<$read>)
		my $line=$_;
		next if not $line;
		next if $line !~ /=/;
		next if $line =~ /^#/;
		next if not $line;
		my ($var, $val)=(split/=/, $line, 2);
		next if (not $var);
# 		print "Storing: [$var] = [$val]\n";
		_make_hash_reference($conf, $var, $val);
	return (0);

# Read in command line arguments
sub read_cla
	my ($conf, $log, $bad)=@_;
	# MADI: Remove this before release.
# 	record($conf, $log, "Got args:\n");
	# Loop through the passed arguments, if any.
	my $set_next="";
	foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
		# MADI: Remove this before release.
# 		record($conf, $log, "[$arg]\n");
		# If 'set_next' has a value, push this argument into the 'conf'
		# hash.
		if ($set_next)
			# It's set, use it's contents as the hash key.
			# MADI: Remove this before release.
# 			record($conf, $log, "Setting: 'na::$set_next': [$conf->{na}{$set_next}]\n");
			# Clear it now for the next go-round.
		if ($arg=~/-h/)
			# Print the help message and then exit.
			help($conf, $log);
		elsif ($arg=~/-v/)
			# Print the version information and then exit.
# 			record($conf,$log,"Setting version\n");
		elsif ($arg=~/-q/)
			# Suppress all non-critical messages from STDOUT.
		elsif ($arg=~/^-/)
			### These are the switches set by Red Hat.
			if ($arg eq "a")
				# This is the IP address or hostname of the
				# Node Assassin to call.
# 				record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n");
			elsif ($arg eq "l")
				# This is the login name.
# 				record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n");
			elsif ($arg eq "p")
				# This is the password. If it starts with '/'
				# it is interpreted to be a file containing the
				# password which will be read in and it's
				# contents will replace# this value.
# 				record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n");
			elsif ($arg eq "n")
				# This is the node to work on.
# 				record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n");
			elsif ($arg eq "o")
				# This is the action to take.
# 				record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n");
			elsif ($arg eq "S")
				# This is the script to run to retrieve the
				# password when it is not stored in
				# 'cluster.conf'. This script should echo/print
				# the password to STDOUT.
# 				record ($conf, $log, "Next argument will be stored in: [$set_next]\n");
			### MADI: I might want to pick up arguments via multiple lines.
			# Bad argument.
			record($conf, $log, "Argument: [$arg] is not valid!\n");
			record($conf, $log, "Please run './fence_na --help' to see a list of valid arguments.\n");

# Read arguments from STDIN. This is adapted from the 'fence_brocade' agent.
sub read_stdin
	my ($conf, $log, $bad)=@_;
	return (0) if $conf->{'system'}{got_cla};
	my $option;
	my $line_count=0;
	while(defined (my $option=<>))
		# Get rid of newlines.
		chomp $option;
		# Record the line for now, but comment this out before release.
# 		record ($conf, $log, "Processing option line: [$option]\n");
		# strip leading and trailing whitespace
		# skip comments
		next if ($option=~ /^#/);
		# Increment my option line count.
		# Go to the next line if the option line is empty.
		next if not $option;
		# Split the option up into the name and the value.
		($name,$value)=split /\s*=\s*/, $option;
		# Record the line for now, but comment this out before release.
# 		record ($conf, $log, "Name: [$name], value: [$value].\n");
		# Set my variables depending on the veriable name.
		if ($name eq "agent")
			# This is only used by 'fenced', but I record it for
			# potential debugging.
		elsif ($name eq "fm")
			# This is a deprecated argument that should no longer
			# be used. Now 'port' should be used.
			if (not $conf->{na}{port})
				# Port isn't set yet, use this value which may
				# be replaced if 'port' is set later.
				(undef, $value) = split /\s+/,$value;
				warn "Warning! The argument 'fm' is deprecated, use 'port' instead. Value: [$value] set for 'port'\n";
				# Port was already set, so simply ignore this.
				warn "Warning! The argument 'fm' is deprecated, use 'port' instead. Value: [$value] ignored.\n";
		elsif ($name eq "ipaddr") 
			# Record the IP Address or name of the Node Assassin to
			# use.
		elsif ($name eq "login")
			# Record the login name that was passed.
		elsif ($name eq "name")
			# Depricated argument used formerly for login name.
			if (not $conf->{na}{login})
				# Login isn't set yet, use this value which may
				# be replaced if 'login' is seen later.
				warn "Warning! The argument 'name' is deprecated, use 'login' instead. Value: [$value] set for 'login'.\n";
				# I've already seen the 'login' value so I will
				# ignore this value.
				warn "Warning! The argument 'name' is deprecated, use 'login' instead. Value: [$value] ignored.\n";
		elsif (($name eq "action") or ($name eq "option"))
			# 'option' is deprecated.
			record($conf, $log, "Please use 'action', not 'option', as the later is deprecated.\n") if $name eq "option";
		elsif ($name eq "passwd")
			# This is the login password.
		elsif ($name eq "passwd_script")
			# This is the path to the script that will return the
			# password to the agent. At this time, this is not
			# implemented.
		elsif ($name eq "port")
			# This sets the port number to act on.
		elsif ($name eq "quiet")
			# This is passed by 'fenced' via 'cluster.conf' as a
			# custom argument to supress output to STDOUT.
			warn "Illegal name in option: [$option] at line: [$line_count]\n";
	return ($bad);

# This function simply prints messages to both the log and to stdout.
sub record
	my ($conf, $log, $msg)=@_;
	print $log $msg;
	print $msg if not $conf->{'system'}{quiet};

# This sets all ports of a given Node Assassin to the requested state.
sub set_all_state
	my ($conf, $log, $state)=@_;
	$state=0 if not defined $state;

	my $max_port=$conf->{na}{max_nodes};
	foreach my $node (1..$max_port)
		$node=sprintf("%02d", $node).":$state";
		record ($conf, $log, "Calling: [$node]\n");
		my @set_state=$conf->{na}{handle}->cmd("$node");
		foreach my $line (@set_state)
			chomp $line;
			next if not $line;
			record($conf, $log, "$line\n");
	return (9);

# When asked to 'monitor' or 'list', show a CSV of all nodes, node alias and
# their state. The first two are standard, the third is not.
sub show_list
	my ($conf, $log, $mode)=@_;
	$mode="list" if not "$mode";
	record($conf, $log, "In 'show_list' function. Passed: mode: [$mode]\n");
	# Get an up to date list of the ports.
	my $state=get_states($conf, $log);
	my $na_id=$conf->{'system'}{na_id};
	my $na_name=$conf->{na}{na_name};
	my $power_state="";
	my $node_id=0;
	foreach my $port (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$state})
# 		record ($conf, $log, "Modulous of ($port % 2) is: [".($port % 2)."]\n");
		if ($port % 2)
			my $power_feed=$conf->{na}{$na_id}{alias}{$node_id} eq "unused" ? "--" : $power_state;
			my $reset_state=$state->{$port};
			my $line="";
			if ($mode eq "list")
				# Responding to an 'action=list' call.
				$line=$conf->{na}{$na_id}{alias}{$node_id} ? "$node_id,$conf->{na}{$na_id}{alias}{$node_id}" : "$node_id,$na_name-$node_id";
				# Responding to a 'version' call.
				my $name=$conf->{na}{$na_id}{alias}{$node_id} ? "$conf->{na}{$na_id}{alias}{$node_id}" : "$na_name-$node_id";
				$line ="   - Node $node_id Details;\n";
				$line.="     - Name: ..... $name\n";
				$line.="     - Power Port: $power_state\n";
				$line.="     - Reset Port: $reset_state\n";
				$line.="     - Power Feed: $power_feed";
			record($conf, $log, "$line\n");
	do_exit($conf, $log, 0);

# This queries the Node Assassin and returns the state of the requested node.
sub show_state
	my ($conf, $log)=@_;
	my @state_out=$conf->{na}{handle}->cmd("00:0");
	my $state="";
	my $node=$conf->{na}{port};
	foreach my $line (@state_out)
		my $line=$_;
		my ($state)=($line=~/- Node $node: (.*?)/);
		if ($state)
			$state=lc($state)=~/fenced/ ? 2 : 0;
	# No state means something went wrong while talking to the Node
	# Assassin.
	$state=1 if (($state != 0) && ($state != 2));
	# As per: http://sources.redhat.com/cluster/wiki/FenceAgentAPI
	# The exit state must be:
	# 0 = Node is running
	# 1 = Failed to contact fence, unknown state.
	# 2 = Node is fenced.
	do_exit($conf, $log, $state);

# This prints the version information of this fence agent and of any configured
# fence devices.
sub version
	my ($conf, $log)=@_;
	# Print the Fence Agent version first.
	record ($conf, $log, "Fence Agent: ..... Node Assassin ver. $conf->{'system'}{agent_version}\n");
	record ($conf, $log, "Node Assassins: .. $conf->{'system'}{na_num}\n");
	for my $na_id (1..$conf->{'system'}{na_num})
		$conf->{na}{ipaddr}=     $conf->{na}{$na_id}{ipaddr};
		$conf->{na}{tcp_port}=   $conf->{na}{$na_id}{tcp_port};
		$conf->{na}{na_name}=    $conf->{na}{$na_id}{na_name};
		my $build_date="";
		my $serial_number="";
		my $firmware_ver="";
		connect_to_na($conf, $log);
		if ($conf->{na}{handle})
			# Get the NAOS version and serial numbers.
			my @details=$conf->{na}{handle}->cmd("00:1");
			foreach my $line (sort {$a cmp $b} @details)
				chomp $line;
				($build_date)=($line=~/\s(\S+)$/) if ($line =~ /Build Date/i );
				($serial_number)=($line=~/\s(\S+)$/) if ($line =~ /Serial Number/i );
				($firmware_ver)=($line=~/\s(\S+)$/) if ($line =~ /NAOS Version/i );
	# 			print "line: [$line]\n";
		record ($conf, $log, " - Node Assassin $na_id\n");
		record ($conf, $log, "   - Name: ....... $conf->{na}{$na_id}{na_name}\n");
		record ($conf, $log, "   - IP Address: . $conf->{na}{$na_id}{ipaddr}\n");
		record ($conf, $log, "   - TCP Port: ... $conf->{na}{$na_id}{tcp_port}\n");
		record ($conf, $log, "   - MAC Address:  $conf->{na}{$na_id}{mac}\n");
		record ($conf, $log, "   - Netmask: .... $conf->{na}{$na_id}{netmask}\n");
		record ($conf, $log, "   - Gateway: .... $conf->{na}{$na_id}{gateway}\n");
		record ($conf, $log, "   - Serial #: ... $serial_number\n");
		record ($conf, $log, "   - Firmware: ... $firmware_ver\n");
		record ($conf, $log, "   - Build Date: . $build_date (yyyy-mm-dd)\n");
		record ($conf, $log, "   - Max Nodes: .. $conf->{na}{$na_id}{max_nodes}\n");
		if ($conf->{na}{handle})
			show_list($conf, $log, "version");
			no_connection_error($conf, $log, $na_id);
	do_exit($conf, $log, 0);

# Private functions below here.                                               #

### Contributed by Shaun Fryer and Viktor Pavlenko by way of TPM.
# This is a helper to the above '_add_href' method. It is called each time a
# new string is to be created as a new hash key in the passed hash reference.
sub _add_hash_reference
	my $href1=shift;
	my $href2=shift;
	for my $key (keys %$href2)
		if (ref $href1->{$key} eq 'HASH')
			_add_hash_reference($href1->{$key}, $href2->{$key});

### Contributed by Shaun Fryer and Viktor Pavlenko by way of TPM.
# This takes a string with double-colon seperators and divides on those
# double-colons to create a hash reference where each element is a hash key.
sub _make_hash_reference
	my $href=shift;
	my $key_string=shift;
	my $value=shift;
# 	print "variable: [$key_string], value: [$value]\n";
	my $chomp_root=0;
	if ($chomp_root) { $key_string=~s/\w+:://; }
	my @keys = split /::/, $key_string;
	my $last_key = pop @keys;
	my $_href = {};
	while (my $key = pop @keys)
		my $elem = {};
		$elem->{$key} = $_href;
		$_href = $elem;
	_add_hash_reference($href, $_href);



Input, advice, complaints and meanderings all welcome!
Digimer digimer@alteeve.ca https://alteeve.ca/w legal stuff:  
All info is provided "As-Is". Do not use anything here unless you are willing and able to take resposibility for your own actions. © 1997-2013
Naming credits go to Christopher Olah!
In memory of Kettle, Tonia, Josh, Leah and Harvey. In special memory of Hannah, Jack and Riley.