Naos v1.x

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 Node Assassin :: Naos v1.x

#include <Ethernet.h>	// Arduino's enthernet library.
#include <ctype.h>	// Library for testing and character manipulation.
#include <stdint.h>	// Library for standard integer types (guarantees the size of an int).

// 00:X is a request for info where 'X' is the requested data. Currently '0' is only data type and returns the current state of all nodes.
// [01-99]:[0-1] Sends a command to set the state of node [01-99] to on [:1] or off [:0].

// MAC Address; Array of six bytes.
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xEF };
// Arduino IP, netmask and gateway.
byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 111, 66 };
// Netmask defaults to
byte nm[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
// Default gateway defaults to IP with the last octal set to 1.
byte dg[] = { 192, 168, 1, 1 };
// Laptop's IP address that I test connecting to.
byte remote[] = { 192, 168, 1, 154 };

// This is the port that I will listen on.
#define port 238

// Setup the server.
Server server = Server(port);

// My function prototypes.
void printError(char *reading);

// Setup my digital out pins.
#define maxnode 5
#define firstnode 2

// Setup
void setup()
	// Setup the IP info.
	Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, dg, nm);
	// Print what comes in over telnet.
	Serial.println("Node Assassin: 'Ariel' now listening for orders.");
	// Iterator
	for (int i=firstnode; i<(firstnode+maxnode); i++)
		// Set my pin 'i' to be output.
		pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
		// and set it initially to be low.
		digitalWrite(i, LOW);
	// Start the server listening for connections.

// And GO!
void loop()
	// Variables
	uint8_t node=0;		// The device I am working on.
	uint8_t state=0;	// The (new?) state of the pin.
	// Start the network library.
	Client client=server.available();
	if (client)
		char reading[7];	// 4 chars (XX:Y) + '\n' or '\r\n' or <NUL>' + double-increment below
		int i=0;
		while (((reading[i]!=-1)&&(i<5))
		// Spool off whatever is left in the buffer in case it was a string longer than 5.
		if (client.available())
			Serial.println("Message too long. Format is 'XX:Y' where 'XX' is the xero-padded node number.");
			server.write("Message too long. Format is 'XX:Y' where 'XX' is the xero-padded node number.\n");
			while (-1 !=;
		// Double increment to make sure my test works even when I don't get an '\n' or '\r\n'.
		// Parse the string.
		// Format: XX:Y where XX is the node to work on and Y is the new state
		// Make sure the string is formatted properly and print an error if not.
		if (reading[2] != ':')
			// Error
		if (!isdigit(reading[0]) || !isdigit(reading[1]) || !isdigit(reading[3]))
			// Error
		// Next two check the termination
		if ((reading[4] != 0) && (reading[4] != '\n') && (reading[4] != '\r'))
			// Extraneous terminated string.
		if ((reading[5] != 0) && (reading[5] != '\n') && (reading[5] != '\r'))
			// Extraneous terminated string.
		// Do the math to turn the node number into a binary value.
		node=reading[0]-'0';	// First digit convertion (ie: '1' (0x31)-'0' (0x30) = 0x01 = "0000 0001 (dec. 1)").
		node*=10;		// Shift to the first base-10 position.
		node+=reading[1]-'0';	// Now 'node' contains the binary version of the ASCII two-digit value read off of telnet.
		// Do the math to turn the state number into a binary value.
		state=reading[3]-'0';	// Now 'state' contains the binary version.
		// Check the node.
		if (node > 5)
			// Node number can't be higher than '05' on this model.
			Serial.println("This fence only supports up to '05' nodes.");
			server.write("This fence only supports up to '05' nodes.\n");
		if (state > 1)
			// Node number can't be higher than '05' on this model.
			Serial.println("Invalid state received. Send 'XX:0' to kill a node, XX:1 to release a node");
			server.write("Invalid state received. Send 'XX:0' to kill a node, XX:1 to release a node\n");
		// Check is this is an info request.
		// By putting 0 first, I can never accidentally set 'node' to '0' with an accidental single-equal.
		if (0 == node)
			// Send states
			Serial.println("Node states: ");
			server.write("Node states: \n");
			// Make my maxnode an ASCII value so that I can print it by reversing the convertion to binary done earlier.
			char saynode[3];		// This is '3' because of 'first char' + 'second char' + terminating '0'.
			saynode[0]=(maxnode/10)+'0';	// Move from the 'tens' posiition into the '1' position and add '0' to get the ASCII value.
			saynode[1]=(maxnode%10)+'0';	// The modulous returns my real one position.
			saynode[2]=0;			// Null terminated.
			Serial.print("- Max Node: "); Serial.println(saynode);
			server.write("- Max Node: "); server.write(saynode); server.write("\n");
			for (int i=0; i<maxnode; i++)
				// 'i' is the current, printable node number.
				saynode[0]=((i+1)/10)+'0';	// The '+1' makes the node 1-based instead of 0-based.
				saynode[1]=((i+1)%10)+'0';	// The modulous returns my real one position.
				char saystate = digitalRead(i+firstnode);	// i + pin offset.
				Serial.print("- Node "); Serial.print(saynode); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println((LOW == saystate) ? "Running" : "Fenced!" );
				server.write("- Node "); server.write(saynode); server.write(": "); server.write((LOW == saystate) ? "Running\n" : "Fenced!\n");
			Serial.println("End Message.");
			server.write("End Message.\n");
		// Subtract 1 from node to make it zero-based.
		// Set the pin based on whether 'state' is '0' or not.
		digitalWrite(node+firstnode, (0 == state) ? HIGH : LOW);
		Serial.println((1 == state) ? "Now running." : "Now Fenced!");
		server.write((1 == state) ? "Now running.\n" : "Now Fenced!\n");

void printError(char *reading)
	// Copy 'reading' so that we don't lose our pointer to it in memory.
	char *source = reading;
	// Loop through the string replacing '\n' or '\r' with a <NUL>.
	while (*source)
		// If this character is a newline, replace it.
		if (('\n' == *source) || ('\r' == *source))
			// Found it. Set it to 0 which will kill the newline.
			// Exit out of the closest encompasing while or for loop.
		// Increment the source pointer for the next go-round.
	// Print the message to the serial bus and the client.
	// I know this is dirty but it represents the one line string.
	Serial.print("Bad command: [" ); Serial.print(reading); Serial.println("]" );
	server.write("Bad command: [" ); server.write(reading); server.write("]\n" );


Input, advice, complaints and meanderings all welcome!
Digimer legal stuff:  
All info is provided "As-Is". Do not use anything here unless you are willing and able to take resposibility for your own actions. © 1997-2013
Naming credits go to Christopher Olah!
In memory of Kettle, Tonia, Josh, Leah and Harvey. In special memory of Hannah, Jack and Riley.